Chapter 27:Rescue Mission

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The Next Day~(Thursday September 30,the First Full Moon Night)


After reading the message Yuki Takahashi(Ultimate Poet)had sent me,a bit of relieve came over me.Now knowing where my brother is at,yet still worried due to the fact Yori was the one who captured him....and the fact that tonight is the first full moon night....


Haru Kuwata:*Picks up*"Hey Rikona."

Rikona Suzuki:"Yo Haru,have you got more information about your brother's sudden disappearance???"

Haru Kuwata:"Yes actually,Yuki told me that his twin brother had most likely captured him.."

Rikona Suzuki:"Oh that jerk?Just how are we gonna save him?Are we gonna just break in or what?"

Haru Kuwata:"Um,you do know we're just middle schoolers right?I mean,we're literally against a fully trained ninja ya know!!"

Rikona Suzuki:"Uhh....I know....but.....remember about my family heritage....."

Haru Kuwata:"Then what about me??What am I supposed to do against someone like Yori?!"

Just then,a message from Yuki was sent to me.

Rikona Suzuki:"Then I don't know what we're gonna do....."

Haru Kuwata:"Wait,Yuki just sent me another message..."

~~Text Chat~~

Yuki Takahashi:"For tonight,you NEED to stay home.Me,Kyoko,and my sister will break into my old home to rescue your brother.So just stay put and I'll notify you when Leon is safe and sound at his apartment ok?"

Haru Kuwata:"Wait!Um....I don't think that's a good idea....."

Yuki Takahashi:"Why not?"


Haru Kuwata:"Uhh....Rikona...we might have a problem...."

Rikona Suzuki:"Now what's going on?"

Haru Kuwata:"Well,looks like Yuki is planning to go rescue my brother tonight with his sister and Kyoko.....and.....tonight is also the first full moon night...."

Rikona Suzuki:"Oh come on!Just what we needed...."

Haru Kuwata:"So what do I say???Do I have to tell him about.....this...?"

Rikona Suzuki:*Sighs*"I.......think so....I seriously can't think of anything else.It's bound for Yuki to find out anyways.....besides,if we're gonna rescue your brother,we need all the help we can get to distract Yori."

Haru Kuwata:"Alright....ok...I'll explain that to Yuki...*Began typing*"

Rikona Suzuki:"And make sure Kyoko doesn't bring in the police....we really don't want for the whole world to know our problem right now...."

Haru Kuwata:"Okie dokey...."

Mini timeskip in the Dungeon~(7:57 PM)


As me and Seiko were finishing up dinner,Yori had closed the door behind him as he was walking in.

Yori Takahashi:*Sees the empty plates*"Looks like I came in just in time...."

Leon Kuwata:*Annoyed*"Yeah yeah...*shoves the plate outside of his cell*you can now take it....*looks away*"

Seiko Kimura:*Shoves her plate outside of her cell as well*"Now can you leave us alone?"

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