Unsaid Love Story

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In my heart, there's a love for him that's unlike any other. It's a deep, abiding affection that guides my thoughts and actions. He's important to me, a source of comfort and support.

But despite the depth of my feelings, he chose to leave. His departure wasn't driven by a lack of love on my part, but rather by his own confusion and fear. As he walked away, I was left grappling with the weight of his absence, unable to comprehend how someone could depart without understanding the depth of my love.

The truth is, he never asked, and I never told. Our failure to communicate left my love unacknowledged and unrequited. In the silence that followed his departure, questions lingered in my mind like ghosts haunting the corridors of my thoughts. Why did he leave? Did he not feel the love I held for him? Or was it simply too much for him to bear?

As time passed, I couldn't shake the feeling of our unspoken words hanging in the air. How could he know how I felt if I never said anything? And how could I expect him to understand if I never spoke up?

Our story reminds me how important it is to talk about our feelings. Love needs honesty and openness to grow. But sometimes, silence can speak louder than words, leaving us with hearts full of unspoken love and unanswered questions.

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