Sweet Daydream

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In the midst of an ordinary moment, time seems to stretch and warp as I gaze into the eyes of a stranger. There's an inexplicable intensity in the air as our eyes lock, a silent exchange of recognition that defies logic.

When his lips meet mine, a wave of familiarity washes over me, as if I've known him for eternity. It's a feeling rooted deep within my soul, a connection that transcends the boundaries of time and space.

As he disappears into the distance, leaving me with the promise of his return, I'm filled with a sense of certainty that he will find his way back to me. His words echo in my mind, a reassuring vow that lingers long after he's gone.

Yet, as I close my eyes in anticipation of his return, I'm jolted awake by the harsh reality that surrounds me. The realization dawns upon me that I was dreaming with my eyes wide open, caught in the ephemeral embrace of a moment that existed only in the depths of my imagination.

But despite the fleeting nature of our encounter, the emotions it stirred within me remain palpable. For in that brief moment, I tasted the sweetness of a love that felt both familiar and elusive, leaving an indelible imprint on my heart.

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