Echoes of Longing

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In the depths of my heart, I yearn for a companion, a confidant who will listen without judgment or reservation. I long to share the stories behind each scar that marks my skin, to reveal the struggles that weigh heavily upon my soul, making each day feel like an uphill battle for survival. I ache to unburden myself of the weight of my anxiety, to speak of the moments when I feel on the verge of losing my sanity, and the desperate measures I have taken to cope with the pain - the countless times I have surrendered to the darkness, seeking refuge in self-harm as a means of escape.

Above all, I seek solace in the presence of someone who can offer reassurance, who can remind me that my struggles do not define my worth, and that I am still deserving of love and understanding. I yearn for validation, for affirmation that I am still normal, still worthy of belonging, despite the chaos that threatens to consume me.

But most of all, I desire a companion who will stand by my side unwaveringly, offering support and compassion through even the darkest of times. I long for a love that transcends fear and pain, that embraces me - scars, struggles, and all - with open arms and a heart full of understanding.

In my deepest longing, I feel the gentle sway of hope guiding me, a beacon of light illuminating my path. Within the depths of my longing, I am certain that love's embrace will be there to accompany me on my journey.

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