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Roy Mustang's POV: Sometimes I really think the Military sucks. I love the order of everything, and of course I love my team, but I've seen some messed up stuff. Stuff that I only saw because I was in the military. Ishbal, for example. Ishbal...

It's a Tuesday afternoon, and Furey, Havoc, Falman and Breda decided to go out for drinks. I stood up to join them, but then Hawkeye placed a huge pile of paperwork on my desk.

"Sir, you have to finish this paperwork before you go, or General Raven will come in again and yell at us," She said in a monotonous tone.

I groan and sit back in my chair. Great...paperwork...

"I'll stay back and help you if you like, Sir."

I think about this for a few minutes before saying,

"Thanks Hawkeye, I'd really appreciate that."

As I stare at the enormous pile of paperwork I start to think about how long it's going to take to sign every page. That means I'm going to be spending a lot of time with Riz- I mean Hawkeye...God, I need to stop thinking about her so much...but it's so hard...

"Sir, if we want to leave the office before Christmas, you should start your paperwork," Hawkeye murmured.

I don't really know how to reply, so I just say "Okay, okay."

I pick up the paperwork and begin signing. Apparently I'm supposed to read it, so I skim across the page I'm currently on.

"Homunculi...Dead man...Alchemical incident...Neverending Quest...Cat stuck in a tree..."

-A/N I told fluffy to stop climbing trees, she just didn't listen...

Wait a second...what was that one before the cat... a Neverending Quest? Okay, now I need to actually read what I'm signing...

"A murderer has been found..."

Nope, wrong page...

I skim through the pages looking for the page about the Neverending Quest, but I couldn't find it...Damn it...


"Sir, I've finished my pile, how are you going?"

"Uhhhh...only 2/3rds through..."

Hawkeye sighs and shakes her head. It makes me feel like a selfish and stupid little boy...I hate how she has such a big influence on me...

She takes half of my pages and smiles at me. Wait what?..she...smiles? I had no idea she could do that...She never does that...

"Let me help you Sir, you need it."

"Whatever you say Ri-Hawkeye..."

I go back to signing my paperwork, and it's only when I feel myself drifting off, I see the page I was looking for. The page about the Neverending Quest. I've already signed it in ink, so there's no turning back...

"The Homunculi have teamed up with multiple major crime gangs stationed around Amestris. We have assigned you a case in which you must make a team of 5 people, including yourself, and take out the gangs, eventually taking out the Homunculi.

If you accept, please sign the page below. If you don't, please fill out pages 56-70 of the Decline Handbook."

Great...so I have not only agreed to literally go on a "Quest", but I also had to sign paperwork, that I didn't have to sign.

Like I thought before, the military can suck...but it's my home, so I can't really stay mad at the Military forever, and of course I'll have to go to war, just like in Ishbal. The fighting may be over, but the nightmares will be forever, but in hate, and fighting and war, there is also love and hope and joy. And of course I have bad memories, memories of killing and burning and shooting, but I also have good memories. Playing card games with the others in my barracks, sitting around a campfire talking about our families and of course falling asleep with the others in my tent, feeling indangered, yet safe.

So the Military sucks. But it also is my defence, my place of work and a place where friends meet and enemies collide.

The Military is my home.

-A/N YAY! FIRST CHAPTER OF LE FIRST BOOK! Thanks 4 reading! Ze fluff and ❤️ is coming...

Just to clarify, the video is a Royai collection from FMAB. Thanks to TheFullmetalHostessGirl for making the video, give her full credit. No copyright pls

Lots of short jokes,


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