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Riza's POV- We wake up to the sound of loud yelling. I notice that we are tied up, and that the man in deep sea blue from last time, is now dressed in a dark orange suit. He is yelling at a short stocky man dressed in a black gown. Once they notice we're awake, they stop arguing, they stop arguing and walk over.

"I see you are awake now," the orange guy says, "My name is José Jesús da Capri."

Roy tries to speak, but he's been gagged, (It's for the best) so instead, I ask his question for him.

"Why are we here?"

"Because you are trying to shut down Dalpago, isn't that obvious," the black gown man says.

José then tells us we're going to be kept here temporarily, at least until they can locate where their executioner is. Then we will be killed. Very slowly. And painfully. He really emphasised that part.

"You won't get away with this! The military will find us," Fullmetal says almost doubtfully.

"Oh, I'm sure the military will pay for your gravestones!" The gown guy chuckles.

With that, they leave. I attempt to de-gag Roy, but it's hard when my hands are tied. He manages to get into a position where I can sort of reach it. After about 10 minutes of trying, I get it off, and the first thing he says it:

"Are you all okay?"

Seriously, for someone so arrogant, Roy is super selfless sometimes...

"Yeah, we're fine," Havoc chirps up.

"I know how to get out," Roy continues.

We then hear a voice from the dark corner say;

"I'd like to see you try..."

I'm bored and I can't be bothered writing more so take that one chapter or whatever. But I hope this will turn into a gospel for the fallen ones, you know, it's a good book!

The video is FMAB bloopers (one of my faves) by Trophi Hunter, again, give the proper people credit.

Lots of MCR (the death-day is approaching)

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