Chapter Two

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I open my eyes and I look up to see that I'm in a memory from when I was young. It must have been when my parents were alive because I could feel myself crying out to them and they came in panicking like parents would with they're first child.

I look up and I could feel myself embraced by they're warmth, when suddenly I watched as they started to walk away.

No! come back! don't go please! If you go you'll-

Then I watch a scene play out from my memory. I find myself staring at a young john and a young me walking with each other after doing our confessions for the month with one of the fathers of the church.

I looked so depressed and he looked rather happy. My heart began to ache.

" J-Juliet....can I talk to you about something?"

she looks up hesitantly before nodding. " What's up?"

John stops walking and rubs the back of his neck. " Well you see....I, well....with your whole living situation....and since I'm graduated from school....well I was wondering if...."

I could feel my heart ache. Don't ask her....she already has to go's hard for her to tell you the truth...

" Yeah?"

He turns around and starts to blush erratically. " I was wondering if you would like to move in with me....maybe become roommates you- y'know?"

I watch myself stare at him with a saddened expression before gripping tightly onto the umbrella.

" John...I can't."

He stares at me crushed. " What do you mean you can't?"

I watch myself look up at him. " Because....I'm being sent to stay under the care of Father Johnson in the church there..." I watch myself cry softly and I look to see John's blank expression.

It makes me so frustrated and I start to walk up to him.

Why! Why won't you say anything you coward! say something to her! hug her, yell, scream, cry! anything!

Of course the figure can't hear me. My shoulders slump and suddenly it disappears into the time I did my first exorcism. I watch in horror as I stare at the girl whose terrified and couldn't move. Finding strength she goes for it, but soon realizes that the spirit didn't leave, and that it was clinging to her soul.

Then the spirit turns and looks at me with deep interest, I start to run away but then realized that I needed to stand my ground.

"You don't scare me! you ugly dead hag!"

Quickly I start chanting and when I finished the last word I look up to see that not only did it not do anything, but the ghost had a blade and it came down and struck me. Causing me to shoot up from the couch screaming loudly.

Instantly someone slapped me and I look around to find everyone staring at me nervously. Still wide eyed I felt like I couldn't breath, which was the truth....I couldn't get myself to put air in my lungs so quickly John grabs a bag and hands it to me and tells me to breath into it.

I do so and finally I could breath normally. I'm dead silent not willing to say a word.

Tom sits down next to me and pulls my head in towards his chest tightly.

" It was only a nightmare. Your fine's alright," He leans in towards my ear. " My little Juliet..."

His soft but warm voice makes me feel calm instantly. I look up at him and he wipes the tear that secretly fell from my eye and touched my cheek. " Better?"

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