Chapter 17

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I stare at Harmoni while she is in my bed asleep. I couldn't ask for a better moment. I love her so much. I wouldn't ever hurt her. I don't understand why she stays with her husband. I want her to leave him. I lay back and start thinking. I need a way to keep Harmony. I think I have the perfect solution. I always get what I want.


I get up fully rested. I look over and see Aaron sleep. The reason I came flashes in my mind. I almost cry thinking about it. I pick up my phone and see millions of missed calls from Eric. I can't help but shake my head at him.

I go to call him back and my hand just can't push call for some reason. I look at Aaron and decide to call Eric downstairs. I push the covers off me and walk downstairs to the living-room. I turn on the tv so Aaron can't hear my conversation.


Before I can call press send for the call my phone rings. Eric once again.

"Yesssss Eric, what do you want?" I ask with so much attitude.

"Baby I'm so glad --" he starts saying before I cut him off.

"Look I don't want to talk about anything right now. I'm not ready yet"

"I definitely understand --" I cut him off again.

"No you don't understand and never will because I wouldn't do you like that" I say as tears roll down my face.

"Baby I'm so sorry, I want to fix it please" he says begging.

"We will talk" I say as I get my tears in check.

"When baby?" He asks getting excited

"I'm not sure yet but when I'm ready you need to be at home waiting"

"When will you be ready Harmoni?"

"Idk.. Today, tomorrow, a week from now. Who knows? I say sarcastically

"Wait a week?" He asks making sure he heard right.

"Is that a problem? I'm not coming home until I'm ready" I tell him.

"Nope no problem baby I will be here" he promised me.

"Ok see you when I see you Eric" I told him as I started crying again.

"I love you so much Harmoni please remember that"

I just shake my head

"Yea ok Eric" as I hang up.

I immediately start crying. I look up and see Aaron walking towards me. I collapse in tears in his arms. I couldn't hold it in. Years of hurt and pain kept coming out. He just held me and let me cry.

"Will you tell me what happened this time so I can try to fix it " he says while he wipes my tears away.

I took a deep breath and let everything out. I told him things that I been feeling since me and Eric got together. I let out how I felt about the first time he cheated. I told him how I felt about Tiffany.

I seen a confused look go across his face when I mentioned Tiffany name but it quickly disappeared. Hours of talking about everything felt so too finally let it out. I had been holding everything in for years.

"Damn" Aaron said after I was done.

"Yea I have been thru so much with him. I'm not sure why I have stuck it out thru everything" I say to him and myself

"Love makes you do crazy things" Aaron says.

He looked me right in my eyes as he said every word.

"Now come on let's watch a movie or something and get back to smiling.

He made me smile just by saying that.


I really need to fix this. I didn't want any of this to happen. You see how talking way to loud will get a nigga in trouble? I can't lose my wife. Especially not over Tiffany.

My baby mama was something that just happened. It was supposed to be just fucking. One night of drinking and being mad at Harmoni for no apparent reason. I know her hearing that conversation broke her all the way down.


I look at my phone and see Tiffany calling me. I'm definitely going to end this quickly.

"Sup" I say nonchalantly

"Hey boo so are you alone so we can talk" she asks me in a flirty voice.

I just look at my phone in disbelief.

"Yup I sure am home by myself. And probably for a long time too" I say with a attitude

"Oh you don't want to be alone?  I can stop over if you want" she says back


"Why are you yelling at me?"

"Lemme tell yo ass why I'm yelling. My fuckin wife heard our whole convo about your abortion and the baby. She fuckin left me. I don't know when or if she will come back.

"Are you blaming me for you cheating?"

"Yes I'm blaming you tf"

"If you would have kept yo dick in yo I pants or covered you wouldn't be going thru this shit. Don't blame me. You could have always told me no and been faithful " she says then hangs up.

I want to throw my phone but I don't want to risk breaking it because I can't leave to get another one. I'm gonna just sit and wait days if I have to. I can do all my work from the phone.

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