Chapter 19

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I wake up and quickly remember where I was. It's been 3 days and I'm still at aarons house. I turn over and see him peacefully sleeping. It's a big change from waking up alone or Eric waking me up because of him coming home so late. I roll my eyes to myself. I do miss him still.

I quietly get out of bed and walk down stairs. I really didn't want to wake Aaron up. I pour me a glass of wine. I can't stop thinking about Eric. I don't understand how he can do that to me AGAIN. I've dealt with this before with him. How could he hurt me so deep again? I've given him my heart and soul.

I feel a tear roll down my cheek. I hear Aaron coming down stairs so I quickly wipe it away.

"I hope I didn't wake you and I hope you don't mind I opened this bottle " I say to him

"No of course not" he says as he wraps his arms aroundy waist and kisses my neck.

I pull away.

"I think we should slow down" I tell him but quickly regret saying it when I look at his face.

"And why all of a sudden should we? It's been 3 days straight of pure heaven with you here" he says while looking in my eyes.

"I've been so happy these last few days.. "

"But , you are going back to him" he says and turns away

"I just want to get this figured out first" I don't want to string you along and hurt you" I turn his face to me.

"Are you coming back" he asks me while looking into his eyes.

I don't even know the answer to his question so I pause.

"After I get things figured out I will let you know" I give him a peck on the lips.

"Harmoni I will always be waiting, I love you"

Im literally in shock. I tear rolls down my cheek.

"I'm gonna go hop in the shower" I say as I walk upstairs.

When I'm done I bring my stuff downstairs to put in my truck. He is still in the same exact spot I left him in. He looks heartbroken. I'm not sure of what to say.

"Do you need help babe?" He asks me but never looks at me while he is talking.

"No I got it " he still never looks up.

I stare at him for a few seconds and walk out the door. I sit in the car a few minutes before pulling out his drive way. I'm mentally preparing myself for what is gonna happen when I get back home.

I pull in and see Erics car right where it's probably been for days. I see he has almost every light in the house on. I grab all my stuff and walk in the house. Eric quickly pops up off the couch. He tries to hug and kiss me but of course I quickly stop that.

"I know I know but im so happy you are back " he says like a kid on Christmas.

"Stop it boy, because I'm still mad but we gotta talk... About everything" I tell him

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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