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Quite a while later Alex wakes up nearly completely covered in snow. He thought the cold would kill him. Obviously his body was putting up a fight so he decided to stand.

As he stands and squints his eyes he realises that a white sheath covers the land. He stands as tall as he can with Theo still in his hand.

"Hello!" He yelled in the hopes he would get an answer. He screamed that word over and over until his vocals strained.

He knew at that point he was completely alone in the freezing hell. He started marching back towards where his house is, with a shiver trailing his body every step. He arrives at the front door of his house; which is suddenly guarded by a pile if snow.

"C'mon. Just f-fucking open." His voice jitters in the cold, his breathe appearing clear as a cloud in front of him. Soon enough he gets the door opened and walks inside.

He wanders aimlessly around the small house in the hope to find something that could keep him fighting.

He finds himself in the doorway of his and Oscar's bedroom. He swallows his pride and steps inside; he tears up as he holds left behind clothing of Oscar's.

Before he knows it he finds a framed picture with him, Oscar and Anne at the wedding. The two grooms and their little flower girl.

"He looked amazing in that suit, when I first saw him I had to hold back tears." He smiles to himself.

"And her; wearing that pink dress with your hair in a tight bun. Probably the biggest personality there." Alex laughs softly as he ran his fingers over the picture.

He takes the picture with him and ventures across the hall to Anne's room. The creak of the door accompanied by the silence is the scariest thing Alex has faced.

He walks into the room in search for more pictures and as he searches he finds a piece of paper. He unfolds it and begins reading.

"Dear Daddies,
I'm sorry for doing this to you two but I can't handle living here. I'm going to run far away, away from the bullies. Somewhere no one will ever find me. I'm sorry.
Your Princess,

Alex collapsed onto the floor with a stream of tears. He held Theo up close to his chest as he cried. He curls on the cold floor and continues crying.

After a few minutes of him crying; he walked down the stairs of the desolate house and went into the kitchen and breaks a plate.

"Such a fucking idiot!" He yells as he shakes. He looks at Theo and grabs him. He goes back through the door with determination to find a way to get to safety.

Meanwhile in a busy hotel, both Oscar and Anne worryingly awaits a call from Alex. Oscar is on the verge of a mental breakdown and Anne is holding back tears. The two hold eachother close as they both each worry for Alex's safety.

"Daddy?" Anne asks with a her tears glistening from the light.

"Yeah, honey?" Oscar looks down at his daughter with a sympathetic look on his face.

"What if he doesn't make it?" Anne trembles at the thought of losing one of her fathers. Oscar looks at her disapprovingly as he begins to tear up more and he stutters his words.

"N-no...he'll make it, o-okay? Don't say something like that, please. I miss him as much as you do." Oscar frowns before embracing his daughter, they both swayed slightly to comfort one another. They let out sighs of sadness as Oscar has to come to the realization that the most likely scenario is that Alex dies.

The thought of his one true love passing away without him knowing completely broke Oscar down. He sniffled and wiped away his tears before laying in the bed and scrolling through his phone. As he scrolls through the different pictures he comes across one with the Alex and Oscar with prom dates. Oscar lets out a soft chuckle as he realizes this was before any of the two men were out to anyone.

Seeing him and his now husband look so uncomfortable and embarrassed made him laugh to himself. He didn't completely know why he had put the picture onto his phone, it simply held importance to as it was the first time they were introduced. Oscar was going to prom with Alex's sister and so the photo was taken with Oscar and Alex together with their dates. He remembered going home that night and not being able to get Alex's face out of his thoughts, and he enjoyed them.

Soon enough Anne comes over to her father and lays next to him on the bed as he keeps scrolling. She looks down at the old pictures of her fathers together and let's out a smile.

"What was your best date with Daddy?" Her face brightens up as she looks at Oscar.

"Our best date? Oh..uh." Oscar thinks of all the dates he and Alex have had; all of the great times together. He looks down at his daughter and let out a small grin.

"It was a few months into the relationship and we would go on a date every weekend. One particular weekend your father took me into the countryside to a small town over a mountain. We pulled into a parking area and walked for a while. We held eachother's hands and stayed close together as we came across a big field; we walked around it and found a set of huge rocks. We sat on one of the rocks and he laid his head onto my shoulder. It wasn't eventful, but it was the best date we ever had. After that point I knew I loved him. I wasn't alone anymore."

Alex treaded through the thick snow as the wind blew hard into his face, he had fallen only a few times as he adventured out. He was determined to find another way to get back to civilization safely. With every step his breathe began to choke him, his strength was suffocating him slowly. Suddenly he stopped dead in his tracks and looked out into the empty white abyss and he fell to his side. He contorted his leg in such a way that he couldn't muster up the strength to get back up.

He simply laid there still in the snow. He allowed himself to be buried. He had given up and wants to die alone.

Alone at WinterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora