27. Different

24 4 0

A busy street
Packed with people
Everybody rushing
To get to their business.

Colorful street it is
Full of different people.

Different emotions
Different intelligence
Different nationalities
Different skin colors
Different clothes
Different wealth.
Different ages and
Different families.

There's not two people the same
Yet I somehow feel different from all of them.

I feel left out,
Like an outcast
Not fitting in

A car passes by
And another
And another
And another.

And I can't help myself
But think:
Is this
My lucky day?
Will today
One of them
Take me away
From this world?

Will today
I finally
Let go of
My fears,
My family,
My emotions,

Hidden Thoughtsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن