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Last night, Yoongi and Luna spent the night together hanging the last batch of Yoongi's clothes while still talking things that Luna never told anyone else. She never told Jimin nor Jin that she is an orphan, she never thought about the thing more longer since she's kind of contented of what she has today, the boys and her current family. Since it's Saturday, the next episode of BTS Run will be at Monday, giving the boys a two-day break but usually it would be just the rappers' day of producing songs.

Luna stared at her ceiling. She can't help to smile when she remembered what Yoongi told her last night.

"Would you like to go to the park with me tomorrow?"

Of course she said yes, she can ditch anything at all just to be with him. It's their first time, and I guess she never regretted asking the question to him. She can't imagine she waited four years for this, for them to be friends but she never imagine it would be this quick and easy.

Checking the time in her watch, it was 7 a.m. She still have two hours to get ready so she tied her hair in a bun and looked herself in the mirror before leaving her room.

"Good morning." Jimin greeted her, kissing her head. Luna never minded Jimin's sweet actions towards her. They just love each other that they can't help to show their affection, as friends of course.

"Good morning, chim chim." Luna said with a smile, sitting across him in the dining table. Jimin looked at her with a fixed smile.

"Why are you smiling at me like that?" Luna said.

"There's something sparkly in your morning today. . ." Jimin said with a cheeky smile. "Does it have to do with Yoongi-hyung -"

Luna groaned. "Aish, why does everything that makes me happy have something to do with him?"

"Because he's the only one who makes you happy." Jin said behind her, Luna glanced at him while he was cooking.

"That's not true, all of you make me happy."

"That's really touchy." Jin said, glancing at his phone that dinged.

Luna leaned over to his phone that was placed in front of her, she pressed the home button to read the message.

"Yah, yah, yah! Don't read that!" Jin said, trying to reach his phone but Luna blocks his way, reading the message again.

Jimin looked up at her from his phone with a blank expression, he tried to read Luna's face. She was smirking, a goofy smirk and wiggled her eyebrows. Reading her mind, Jimin exchanged the same smirk. Jin mentally groaned.

"Good morning, honey bunch! Have a lovely morning, I'll send you photos after my photoshoot! I love you~" Luna read out loud.

Jin blushed like he just ate a whole pepper. Snatching his phone away from Luna, he replied quickly before hitting Luna's head with his phone.

"That was disrespectful, you are invading someone's private property."

Luna snorted. "Uhh - yeah? Like you don't ever fumble around my phone for some Yoongi stuffs."

"You guys have to stop talking while using his name more offen." Jimin said. "He might be behind the door."

"Pssh, he's usually sleeping."

"You don't even know that, someone might be really behind that door."

A sudden boom made Luna and Jimin jump in their seats. It came from the door's direction. They curiously glanced at the door, it opened slowly and revealed Namjoon.

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