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The next night, Jin woke up at morning and was still shock about how he didn't did his assignment again but Luna assured him that she'll help him explaining to the rest of the staff so all of then will help him and they fortunately did. Now, all of them gathered in the dressing room and Jin's preparing for his make-up and reading his lines repeatedly including on how he is going to greet Taehyung on air.

Taehyung though, felt a little disappointed because he thought they set up something for him in the morning. Luna apologized, explaining why they woke up at almost lunch when Jin also woke up. Taehyung understood.

"Jin, you're up next." A staff said, startling Jin while he's talking with his dongsaengs. He rubbed his sweating hand to his pants and stood up, sending a kiss to the hidden camera in the room and bowed at the staffs while the members shouted words of encouragement.

Yoongi lazily scrolled in his camera roll, editing some pictures he took with Luna as they made their way to the library undercover. He crossed his legs while he waits, Luna makes her way to him and withdrawing her phone from her back pocket.

"Yo." Luna said, slumping at the couch behind the chair that Yoongi was sitting at.

"Whatcha doin' babe?" Luna said in English, draping her arm around Yoongi's shoulder as she leaned to his phone. She blushed when she saw her photos, mostly candid and Yoongi were editing each of them.

"I'm editing these so I could print them later at home." Yoongi said with a gummy smile, Luna shoved his head with her two fingers.

"And where would you put them?" Luna said, eyes grazing along with the movements of Yoongi's fingers.

"Hmm - I don't know."

"Can I have one?"

"No." Yoongi said, flashing a gummy smile again and Luna shoved her fingers to his head.

"Why not?" She pouted, backing away from him.

"Because I said so."

Luna opened her mouth but closes it in instant, she put her hand in her chin. A lightbulb flashes beside her head.

"I know where the vacation is."

Yoongi almost fell in the chair when he turned around, hand landed in the couch behind to prop himself as he gaped at Luna, who had a smug smirk in her face.

Yoongi knew that smirk too well.


"I'll tell you if you give me at leasg five pictures."

Yoongi frowned, his expression blank.

"Why are you like this." He rubbed his temple and Luna giggled.

"Because I said so." She laughed. "So, what's the deal, big guy?"

He glared at her. "Don't call me that."

"Whatever you say, big guy." Luna said, standing up and doing a little dance as she walks away.

Yoongi pouted.



"Gather together, little shits - where's Taehyung? TAEHYUNG!" Namjoon said, gesturing his hands to do a come over motion, Jin was already airing in the TV and the camera was at him, ready to film for the Bangtan Bomb.

"TAEHYUNG QUIT SUCKING FACES WITH JUNGKOOK ALREADY!" Namjoon shouted so loud that the couple across the room separated, a flushed looking Kookie separates his body to his boyfriend as Taehyung shot a pissed off look to the leader.

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