Act of God

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When I️ opened my eyes I️ knew what I️ saw wasn't reality. There was nothing at all , just blank white walls .I️ looked down at my body and all the dirt and grime along with the cuts were gone .

My skin looked smooth and clean as if I️ had been scrubbed clean and lathered in lotion . I️ reached to the back of my head ,there were no gashes and my hair was soft and straight . I️ knew I️ had to be dreaming because the last thing I️ remembered before waking up was being rescued and then attacked by Brian . I️ can't believe how stupid I've been to trust him after he betrayed me the first time . I️ can't help but hope that I'm dead , that my body couldn't take it and just gave out . That all my pain and suffering is over and I️ can finally rest .

Then out of nowhere a wall slides back in front of me and the sight before me brings tears to my eyes . A cracked mirror image of me ,the real me somewhere in the woods still dirty ,bloody and cut up but only unconscious. I️ was still alive and breathing much to my dismay .I️ don't have time to even register what I'm look at before I️ see him coming towards me .

Licking his lips like a predator ready to pounce on me , his prey . I️ looked on in stupor silent tears running down my face as he reached down and tore my bra right in two. Slowly running his dirty calloused hands over my stomach stopping once he reached my navel . Stopping to kiss the deep gash in my abdomen before continuing down . I just want to sleep. A coma would be nice. Or amnesia. Anything, just to get rid of this horrendous sight before me . I️ knew somehow I️ wasn't exactly in my body but it was as if I️ could feel him on top of me . Drenching me in his sweat , his foul scent and hot breath fanning over me . Rough dirty hands running up and down my body making me inwardly cringe . Panic seized me as he spread my legs jabbing his member into me with so much force my entire body shook . I️ turned away in agony I️ couldn't watch him defile my body any longer . I️ covered my ears but it seemed as if the more I️ tried to drown them out the more I️ could hear them . His loud grunts of passion and spew of vile words . Hours went by with sound of him grunting and viscously plundering his anatomy into me .I️ was crying hysterically when I️ felt a pull , as if my body was drawing me back into it . I️ breathed deeply and closed my eyes sleep coming over me as I️ felt a warm spray of liquid on my legs and then him shoving himself into me again.

I️ opened my eyes the first time half dazed and still groggy . I️ noticed it was the middle of the night and we were driving fast on an unfamiliar highway. I️ was stunned to see Brian sitting across from me his closed although I️ could tel he was awake . I️ looked down to see each arm duct taped to an armrest and my legs taped at the ankles. I️ also noticed I️ had in black sweat pants and a white t-shirt . I️ leaned forward straining to get a looked at the driver. I️ unintentionally groaned as I️ felt my whole body ache. Brian's eyes snapped open making me freeze in fear.

"Don't worry darling we'll be reaching our new home soon " he cooed as he unbuckle his seatbelt and pulled a bag from the side of his seat . Dread filled me as he pulled out another syringe and moved towards me . Instead of my neck I️ felt the familiar pinch in my arm this time . My head lolled to the side as I️ watched him return to his seat and buckle himself back in.

When I️ opened my eyes the second time around it was dark again and we were no longer in the car , we were in the woods . Brian had built a makeshift campsite with a bunch of blankets around a bonfire. There was beefy jerky and granola bars sitting on the ground next to a cooler with water and ice inside. The sight of food had my stomach aching with want , I️ moved to grab a granola bar and a bottle of water when I️ noticed my hands and feet were free. This could be my chance to escape! I️ looked around caught sight of Brian huddled up close to the fire asleep and almost cried out with joy as this could only be an act of God. I️ crept forward slowly my body still drumming with pain , until I️ saw something that stopped me dead in my tracks. Across from the campsite sitting on the ground against the tree eyes wide open staring , at me .

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