The Sky

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Congratulations to Natewantstobattle and Cristina Vee!

"I don't understand," I said again, this time with a smile.

Nate pulled out the chair for me, and I sat. He had a meal prepared. Nate sat across from me and moved the centerpiece so that he could see me.

"What's not to understand?" He asked.

I thought for a minute before answering, "Well, it's just-" Why was it hard to find the words? "You don't seem like the kind of person who would do something like this."

Nate smirked, but his eyes were happy, not condescending like before. "I have a lot of money, yet I live alone. You really think I'm not independent?"

"No, it's not that," I said quickly. But Nate laughed. "I just never thought you and I would find ourselves having a dinner like this."

We were quiet for a while. It was a little awkward, but I had never seen Nate at a loss for words like this before. Suddenly, he grew serious and put down his fork. He reached forward and grabbed my hands. I looked down at them, but said nothing.

"(Y/n)," he started, "do you know what I was thinking the other day when we were apart? I actually missed you. You and I were in the same house, only a few rooms apart, but I missed you. I know it's weird, but, I want to be with you."

I was speechless. I tried to speak, but nothing came out, at least not at first. "Why?" I finally sputtered out. "I mean, you and I, we're not able--it-it wouldn't--"

"Come with me," Nate interjected.

It was a good thing I was almost finished eating. Nate took me by the hand, like he had so many times before, and led me up the stairs. Before we even got there, I knew where we were going. He opened his bedroom window again and pulled me onto the roof.

The stars were even brighter tonight. The moon was almost full, and it cast a silvery glow on the house. I didn't notice at first, but as I was gazing at the sky, Nate was watching me, smiling. I looked at him and smiled back. For once, we weren't rivals, and he didn't seem to want control over me. I barely even noticed that we were still holding hands.

Something nagged at my brain. I wasn't even sure what to say, until it spilled out, "If I had gone with Matt, would you have come after me?"

Nate shifted. "I don't know," he finally said. "I mean, a deal's a deal, but I don't know that I wanted to force you anymore." He turned so he could look me straight in the face. "I want to be with you. But I don't want you tobe unhappy. So my question is, are you happy?"

I looked down at the ground below the roof. I wasn't even sure how to answer. "I-I think so," I answered, looking back at him. Relief washed over his face, but it faded as I continued, "But, there are some things I miss."

"Like Matt?" Nate scoffed out a laugh, but I was serious.

"He's practically my brother," I said.

"I know," he replied. "And I'm sorry, I just--I can't see the two of you being related. He's so uptight, and you're so--"

I gave him a warning look, and he laughed, "I'm not gonna finish that."


We were quiet for a moment, just studying the sky. Nate leaned back so he was lying on his back, looking upward. I layed back with him. Before I knew it, he had his arm wrapped around me, but I didn't mind.

"You really like the night sky, huh?" He asked me after a minute.

"Yeah," I sighed. "The sky wasn't clear the night my parents died. But it was when we moved here. It was clear the night of our first successful project. I know it sounds weird, but the clear sky reminds me that the clouds of life will pass. And everything clears up in the end."

Nate propped himself up on an elbow. "Do good things always happen on clear nights?"

I smiled and sat up. "Not always. But it makes good things seem even better."

Nate sat up as well. "Really?" He asked in a low voice. His eyes flicked to my lips then back up to my eyes.

"Well, I guess." My heart was beating so fast that I was having trouble thinking about what to say next.

"You think something good will happen tonight?" He asked.

I barely noticed that we were really close. "Maybe," I murmured.

Then, before either of us even knew it, the gap between our lips was closed. I didn't know if he kissed me, or vice versa. But I didn't care. At this point, I couldn't think about anything other than Nate. So I just closed my eyes and let myself enjoy the moment.

I didn't know that someone had seen us.

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