"Picture This" (Ron Weasley)

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"This is a lot harder than it looks, and I don't think you realize that," You said, turning your burning eyes upon your incorrigible classmate Ronald Weasley.

The same Ronald Weasley who was best friends with The Famous Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter. The one who probably didn't even know your name. You were just the next on his list of smart people to bother for their History of Magic notes. If he had even passed the O.W.L.

He had intruded upon your practice of the Transfiguration homework. For your N.E.W.T. level class, McGonagall had assigned the task of changing hair color, which was inconveniently difficult, seeing as you had a weighty pile of work left to do for other classes.

He was slouched in one of the sturdy wooden chairs surrounding your secluded table in the library with his feet propped up upon your just-finished Potions essay, which was causing your left eye to twitch incessantly.

"You know, I have no interest in fraternizing with handsome strangers."

The words slipped from your mouth before you could stop them. Unconsciously speaking your mind was one of the only bad habits of yours that you were never able to break. Along with the eye twitching.

His right eyebrow arched upwards and a famous smirk graced his features as your head dropped to your hands in embarrassment.

"Handsome strangers, yeah?" He said, removing his feet from the desk only to replace them with his crossed arms. He had an annoyingly cocky smile on his face that you so desperately wanted to get rid of.

"What do you want, anyway."

You figured that the best tactic was to ignore the glaring fact that you had told the cockiest boy in your year that he was good-looking.

All you wanted was peace and quiet to get your homework done at a reasonable hour. But, of course, you couldn't even be granted that much.

"Oh, feel free to admire me. I don't plan on leaving you alone any time soon," Ron replied, his smile growing wider.

You had lost all patience. If he smeared your essay...

"What. Do. You. Want."

"You," he replied simply, leaning his head on his fist and grinning innocently.

You rolled your eyes magnanimously and let out a long sigh of frustration.

"You may not understand because I don't believe that you do homework often, but it's quite difficult to practice spells when people you don't know won't stop staring at you," you said slowly and deliberately, as if talking to a three-year-old.

Without missing a beat, Ron jumped up from his seat, shrugging his shoulders while saying, "Well, the only way you can get me to leave you alone is if you go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend. And I also would like your potions essay, to make sure I've done mine right."

You rolled your eyes. Of course.

"If I agree to the date, will you leave me alone?"

"If you agree to the date, I won't be able to leave you alone. Because I'll be with you on the date," Ron said, obviously proud of himself.

You shook your head in defeat.

"Fine. The date. But no to the homework. You're a prefect, I thought you wouldn't condone cheating."

Ron grinned triumphantly, which made you even more angry at the entire situation.

"Great. The date's all I wanted, anyway. I'll pick you up in the common room at 8:00."

With a wink, he was gone, and you were left kicking yourself for your stupidity but blushing fiercely all the same.


thank you. thank you so much, i see you and i am thankful for you. 

question. who is your favorite female harry potter character? (respond by commenting!)

answer. ginny weasley. 

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