"Is it the Same for You" (Theo)

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You and Theo were sitting in silence, as usual. But this was a new kind of silence. Danger was coursing through the air, through the open window and billowing between the gauzy curtains. 

And I swear, there's a ghost on this island. 

And his hands, all covered in blood. 

You weren't sure what to be anymore. You and Theo's lives had been planned from the beginning. You were bred to love one another, one pureblood Slytherin family to another. From childhood playmates to Hogwarts sweethearts, just like your parents wanted. 

She said, "How can I relate to somebody who doesn't speak?" 

I feel like I'm just treading water.

Is it the same for you?  

The wizarding war was over. Voldemort was dead. Although his ideology was twisted to most of the wizarding community, his words had been truth to you. You were raised on lines from his mouth, but now he was gone and you were being hunted. 

Well he comes and he goes, so capricious

And his work appears so rushed. 

You vividly remembered mercilessly cursing your old classmates, watching and laughing as they were tortured. Believing that you had won, and then realizing that the Death Eaters had been fooled. Fighting more, then running for your life. 

Theo's head was in his hands. 

Well I love the house we live in

and I love you all too much. 

You knew that you had minutes before the jubilant Ministry workers decided to search the historic Nott mansion. Your life would be ransacked, your existence would be diminished to nothing. You couldn't even bring yourself to pack a bag. 

Where would you go? 

Well the criminals and liars

Keep them in your cells as a privilege of mine. 

Theo looked up at you with tired dark green eyes, the eyes that you loved. Or the eyes that you were taught to love? 

You didn't know anymore. 

The blood is on your tongue as well as your hands

Archaic and content, you just wash them off. 

Your life was over. 

You tilted your head back and let your existence flounder in the breeze, enjoying the last few moments of silence before you were silenced forever. 


thank you. thank you so much for being here and for reading this. 

question. who's your favorite male harry potter character? 

answer. ron weasley or draco malfoy. 

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