Part 3: EASY Savings

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We should "ruled our money or money will controlled your life"

Many of us today dont really understand How is money works, Especially in Saving Money, some are just started on first week or 2. And even a month. To be successful We should write your goal.. How much money you want to save and your purpose of saving a specific amount.
Exaple is for Kid Future, for family travel or vocation, or to invest in yourself, to Buy a watch bag, shoes or a car! Its depends un your goal.. 

Here are some 20 ways and tips on How to Save money in the work and groceries.

1)stop Collecting instead Start Selling. Sometimes we think that collecting things like gadgets, expensive bags,shoes, & dresses makes as richer. Sorry to tell you but its very bad idea. Especially the fab is always changing so if you Buy those stuff into very expensive price, but next year thats not same as price as you bought it, its maybe you can found it in SALE sections thats fraction the initial cost or in garages sale. Because The value is being lower, thats make you sunk  a thousand of money. So think again my friend.

2) Master the 30days avoid instant Gratification, means examaple you saw a New Cellphone bag or shoes and you really like it, because its a new style

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2) Master the 30
days avoid instant Gratification, means examaple you saw a New Cellphone bag or shoes and you really like it, because its a new style. All you have to do is, wait for 30 days and back to the shop, you would find that the urge in buying has passed you save a money!

 All you have to do is, wait for 30 days and back to the shop, you would find that the urge in buying has passed you save a money!

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3)make a list in going to grocery and stick to it. ::
We sometimes do impulse buying but at the end we realized that its not really needed, list is really an important. And focus to the NEEDS not for WANTs. We should also make sure that we are full not hungry when we are in the food shopping.

4) Eat breakfast and bring pack lunch. Eating  breakfast fills you up with energy for the day. Meanwhile breakfast can be very healthy,quick and unexpensive meal of the day. You should also pack a lunch in the school or works its save you fistful of cash instead of eating or buying food at the restaurant. Maybe your classmates or Co-workers may not understand your motivation to save money,but thats their problem.

5)Make your own if you can try to make a homemade bread is much cheaper, healthier and tastier than buying a loAf of bread at the bakery. Sometimes I make a homemade bar snack, pizza and Spagetti sauce or an Orange juice. You could Buy a bunch or fresh orange, and extract the juice. Perfect you has a healthy and freshly orange juice! Its save a lots of money.

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