Chapter 14-- Date

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Senior Year

Kennedy lays across the couch and Zora and Lilac's laps, the TV blasting the theme song of Friends which the three of them have been marathoning for the past three hours. Tyler had recommended it to Kennedy, and Zora and Lilac decided to watch it with him when Lilac came over to hang. It's funny and full of dorks and Kennedy was in love with it since he started season one a couple weeks ago.

He's just waiting for Tyler to text him back. It's Valentine's Day and despite Kennedy's insistence

that they don't have to do anything, Tyler's really intent on doing something. Kennedy has no idea what that something is, but he's excited. His stomach's been fluttering about it all day, and he can't get Tyler out of his head, even with the ridiculous New Years antics of Ross, Monica, Joey, Phoebe, Rachel, and Chandler.

He's also been waiting on a text from Kai. She's been texting both Lilac and Kennedy saying how after this spring semester at her community college, she's going to move out to go to the four year of her choice and she needs to figure out where she's gonna live. Lilac and Kennedy had a long ass discussion about it and, after Lilac expressing how fed up she is with Mom and Dad ("they're the most fucking authoritarian parents I've ever had the complete displeasure of being born to and I need out, like NOW! I hate them!"), they both came up with the plan to move into an apartment with Kai together. Kennedy would find a job wherever they end up living while also going to community college, Lilac's going to take a paid archaeology internship nearby to put money away and start going to a university as well, and Kai can think about getting a part-time job while at university. They sent a text asking her about it earlier and are just waiting for her to respond.

It's super exciting to Kennedy for any number of reasons. The fact that Kennedy's never lived anywhere besides Alabama. The fact that it will just be the three of them and they won't have to deal with even being in the same town as his parents. Zora's looking at similar colleges as Lilac because they both want to major in archaeology, so he might be coming with them. The only thing worrying him about it is Tyler. He doesn't really know what's going to happen with them if Kennedy moves away with Lilac and Kai. He wants to believe they'll stay together and visit each other a lot, but he also knows from other people that long distance relationships are hard.

He doesn't know what to think.

"Hey Kennedy, when are we gonna have a dance routine like Ross and Monica?" Lilac says.

Kennedy snorts, pulled out of his thoughts, "Hopefully never."

"Oh come on, I think you'd both come up with an awesome one," Zora says.

Kennedy fake gags and Lilac laughs, "Oh come on Kennedy, you know it's true! With my hips and your noodley legs we could be an unstoppable sibling dance force."
"Never say any of those words in that order ever again," Kennedy says.

Both Zora and Lilac keep laughing and Kennedy rolls his eyes before smiling.


Kennedy's phone buzzes and he immediately sits up and reaches into his pocket.

"Ow, Kennedy your ass is boney as hell," Zora complains, Kennedy ignoring him to read the text he just got.

He blinks when he notices it's not from Tyler. It's from an unsaved number.

Probably spam or some shit.

Kennedy opens the text and as he reads, his mind starts going blank.

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