Chapter 25-- Fun, With a Side of Farewell

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College, Year 1

Kennedy watches through his oversized, ellipse prop glasses as Tyler helps him with the collar button of his light blue button up (he wears so many button ups what the hell), the fabric hugging his chest. Kennedy can tell Irene is watching them as Tyler finishes with the button and gives Kennedy a quick kiss, and a thrill runs through him as his mind flashes to the performance at hand and where he's going after.

It had taken Irene and Kennedy a while to come up with a good performance that both of them liked and compromised on. Thankfully, Tyler was really flexible with whatever they threw at him, and they ended up having the performance ready the night Tyler and Kennedy are leaving for San Francisco. After this last performance, Zora is bolting them to the nearest airport so they can catch their flight. It's fucking ridiculous, but Kennedy and Irene really wanted to get the performance and the announcement out there before Kennedy and Tyler's trip.

Kennedy actually doesn't mind too much. He'll just cuddle up to Tyler and sleep on the plane.

Irene smiles at the two of them, her grin bright red thanks to the intense lipstick Jin gave her to wear, "You both are adorable."

Kennedy rolls his eyes, his face undoubtedly at least pink, "Thanks? I guess?"

"But my girlfriend and I are cuter."

Suddenly on the defensive, Kennedy stands up a little straighter, "Um, excuse you, I think you mean Tyler and I are cuter."

Tyler grins, wrapping an arm around Kennedy, "Oh definitely."

"Nope," another voice says.

Ah, speak of the devil.

Irene's girlfriend, Remmy joins them behind the stage. She's slightly taller than Irene, but that could be because of the platform of her shoes. She looks so much different than the three of them in her black high waisted shorts, fishnets, combat boots and leather jacket, but that's exactly what the four of them were going for. None of them are matching, each of them having a different theme going on.

While Remmy looks like some kind of emo, Irene's like an ancient goddess, dramatic primary color cloth wrapped around her in a loose kind of dress that hangs from her waist and around her shoulders. Tyler, meanwhile, looks a little more punk, a white tank, ripped black jeans, and tons of rings and necklaces adorning his body. His hair is loose and wild, a look he's been embracing more and more lately, and Kennedy loves it. It makes Tyler look like a lion.

Kennedy's finally wearing his black heels on stage tonight too. He's been worried about falling, but he's gotten used to them enough to where he feels comfortable wearing them on stage. The tucked in button up feels a bit weird, but the high waisted black skinny jeans make him more comfortable. He'd rolled up his sleeves the second he got the chance; after performing several shows, his body is radiating heat.

Remmy just smiles with her black lips as Kennedy and Tyler try to fight her on the whole which-couple-is-cuter thing until Clara's song finishes.

Tyler takes Kennedy's hand as Clara walks past them, giving them a nod as the two of them make their way towards the stage.

Kennedy squeezes Tyler's hand, "You doing okay?"

Tyler squeezes his hand back, "Yeah. I've got you here."

Kennedy smiles at him softly, "... I fucking love you."

Tyler grins, "Love you too."

Kennedy pauses to kiss him before stepping out onto the stage. There's gonna be plenty more time for that soon anyway.

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