Chapter 28-- ...

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 College, Year 2

Kennedy lays on the floor of his bedroom staring up at the ceiling. He hasn't touched his bed in months, and he doesn't think he's slept since then either. Or at least, not well.

It's quiet. The kind of quiet that's haunting and unnatural. And unwanted.

He checks his phone.

Ugh. Almost time for work. He would complain, but he also really doesn't want to stay around the apartment any more than he has to.

So he sits up, then stands, slipping off his T-shirt and jeans to exchange them for his waiter uniform and creeps through the door of his room. Kai and Lilac seem to still be in their room, so Kennedy quickly tosses on his shoes and grabs his keys and wallet from the kitchen counter. He's practically out the door when he hears Lilac call to him from inside the apartment.

"You off to work?" He hears her voice say.

Kennedy turns slightly back to her. She's still in her PJs.

"Yeah," Kennedy says.

"Okay," Lilac says giving him a smile that screams worry, "Have a good day."
Kennedy nods, "See you."
Lilac waves as he shuts the door behind him.


Kennedy flops down into one of the metal chairs in the break room, pulling out his phone to check his messages.

Spam, spam, spam...

An email from Dr. Phillip D'Gale.

His archaeology professor?

Kennedy taps the email.

Huh. Seems like he's just moved the due date for their upcoming research paper back. That relieves a bit of stress. He has two other archaeology papers due this week and a speech the following week. This whole switching majors shit has been so fucking exhausting, but it's what Kennedy needs.


Kennedy notices the 99+ unread messages from both Jamie and Irene. He dismisses them, like always. And he gets an ache in his chest, like always. He has some from the others, too. He dismisses them all. He really needs to do something about that.

None from Tyler.

"Hey," someone says.

Kennedy looks up.

It's Alice, one of his coworkers. She smiles at him, sitting down in the chair next to his, her bright red hair pulled up in the standard ponytail required for people with long hair at work.

"Hi," Kennedy says, the most plastic of smiles on his face.

Apparently, Alice buys it, "When are you off?"

"Me too," Alice says, brightening slightly, "Shift buddies!"

Alice pulls out her phone too, but she seems to be distracted.

Kennedy knows what's coming, but he's still thrown off when she asks him, "Hey, so I've been thinking, it would be fun if we went to that coffee place I was telling you about? Off Brooklyn and Lagoon?"

Kennedy's fake smile becomes faker, "Yeah! It sounds like a really cool place."
"It is!" Alice says, "Their caramel macchiatos are to die for. And they have live music every Wednesday!"

"I'm down to go after my shift, if you're not too tired from dealing with shitty customers," Kennedy says.

"I'm always tired of dealing with them," Alice replies, but she sets her phone down and leans closer to Kennedy, giving him a wink, "But I'll make an exception for you."
Kennedy's insides twist.

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