Ch 12 - Sweets

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Mizore filled in for you at work and the holidays are over. What's next for the Shirayuki and Aono families?



It's Sunday at the Shirayuki establishment as 9 AM Storm usually got out of bed and into the living room as Sky and Lily were in the other bedroom just waking up. After a long day of treating the kids to the park and such you were just opening your eyes from sleeping in. As Mizore was right there waiting for her sweet and loving husband for cuddles and questionnaire.

"Morning." You stretch.

"Raindrop." She giggled. "What flavor?"

"That's the first thing I get? Flavor of what? Pie or something?"

"Ice cream."

You turn to the alarm clock. "The hell? It's 9 AM. We're talking ice cream?"

"The kids and I made a promise. And Storm actually brought home an A- this semester. A solid 90. That being the case I promised them an ice cream brunch if achieved."

You let out another yawn. "The fact our boy brought home an A. Sky I saw it coming. Storm you never know. He seems like one that puts schoolwork second. Or even third. Especially when Grandma busted him trying to ditch homework to snowboard. My son has an A. Wow."

"I know. And to think we were B range students."

"Yeah." You look back at those study sessions. Followed by study breaks and other things stressful like family matters. "Well they live healthier here."

"Yeah. A lot going on."

"Thanks for that promise."

"Which one?"

"If you're pregnant you'll tell me. Same as if you're angry, sad, and anything else."

She pushed you back to the sheets and pinned you down. "Tell me. What's bugging you. I sense it."

Crap. Having a stalker type wife and a mother who dreamed of being a secret agent had its downsides. No wiggle room when she holds you down as such. "I got another call from him."



"Your father?"

"Yeah." The silence filled the room as you both just stood still. Then you realize that both of you cannot process this. Time to move on here. "Well then. I'll take (pick a flavor). Can you get off so I can put on pants?"

"Hmmmm. Maybe." She rolled off. "I'll put my kimono on and get to the bowls."

"You already got the ice cream?"

"Geez. Do you ever listen to me? Yes. Friday did a trip to the store."

"So much going on. Half asleep." You change in front of her. Then washing your face awake to start the new day. "Angel?"

Mizore turned around. "Yes?"

"Does something feel... odd."

"The fact Santa gave our little girl a snow girl surprised me. Other than her here and with a family too I think everything is normal. You work a ton, I try to keep the household intact, the kids do well seemingly at anything they try, and on the weekends manage to have fun if possible."

"Well yeah. Weekends are important. Plus date night."

"It's been a month at least."

You sigh. "I know. I will get it together. I promise you that much."

"Sorry if I get on your case." She kissed your forehead. "How I just love playing with this hair, hugging your face into my chest and feeling my heartbeat. It's paradise like our long honeymoon."

"Oh yes. Although North America is quite the place."

"Mexico and Colorado."

"Snowboard trip when they graduate elementary school. Sound good?"

"Well... Honey that does sound nice but, think maybe you be home and do stuff during weekdays more?"

You stop and think. Those hours of work in a five day span do equal up to about 60. She does have a point. "You want more love time?"

"Like I said before. If we agree on a third I want you home more. We aren't in highschool anymore. Not saying we need to have dinner at five and relaxing at seven. But family meals and watching our shows together would be nice." She shakes her head. "I'm sorry if I'm asking for much."

"Mizore. Not at all. Please. And yes I know we're comfortable."

"In American economy we can buy two houses. What do you think?"

"I think this retirement thing could be overrated. I got a decade and change till I retire."

"Does that mean 40? Did it come clear to you that we might have grandkids when we hit 40? The twins a five years old (FN). A decade. That's fifteen. Half a decade they're 20. You never know. It's possible Storm might find a nice girl. Maybe Kammi looks like her mother and Storm scoops her off her feet."

"My goodness... That's very possible. We had them in high school. Although I am very grateful for them. Best thing to happen to us."

"Anything else?" She crossed her arms.

"Mizore, Angel am I there? Am I here enough? Am I being a failure as a father?" You knew the answer to that as she was getting bothered.

"You're a workaholic. I want you around more. Not tired and such. It's hard seeing you enjoy yourself one day a week. The fact your bestfriend has double the work and responsibility of you should say something. He's got five wives, three kids, and one on the way. I want you around before Grandpa."


"So what do you want?"


"I want a snowcone and some of the ice cream with our beautiful children.  And some jalapeno spiced curry since your home. Again what do you want? And don't test me."

Where have I had this feeling before? Wait just a God damn minute. "Mizore?" You look at her in her white kimono.

"Yes Hubby?"

"Are you..."


Cravings, and moods. The fact she's making decisions for you and the kids are growing up fast. Do you work less? Do you make the calls? And what's up with her?

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day cause you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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