Stranger Talk: Really Think The Internet Has Lost Its Mind

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hey, everyone.

so if you don't know or watch Shane Dawson, then you probably won't care to read this stranger talk but I'm b o i l i n g o v e r.


Rumors have gone around about Shane (he's addressed them now on most recent video. At top) and everyone is going insane.

People have brought up things he's said from a while back (a while back as in a few YEARS ago) and degrading Shane.

Everyone is talking shit about him & I'm sitting here on my phone, staring down at the lies with my head just shaking.

Are you serious???

Logan Paul did a shit of an apology and people are defending him? PSA: THE APOLOGY WAS FAKE.

You could tell!!!!

Anyways, go watch the video for more information but I stand by Shane.

thanks for reading & stay strange(r) (things) my friends.


time: 6:17 pm
words: 155


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