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I had thought, or at least engraved the vision in my mind, that it will forever be like this--I will be Yo's friend, he will keep talking about and to P'Pha the same way, and P'Kit will be there to listen to me every time i need him to.

Don't get me wrong. I would love for P'Kit's love to be realized. I would also love to see Yo happy, even if not with me. But. BUT. A tiny selfish me is always sitting in the back of my mind asking ... isn't everything better this way? Can't we all just stay this way?

"Thanks for the ride, Ming. I'll go first." It was the same rare night as the others. Yo had asked me for a ride home because his P'Pha will be busy tutoring other people for the night.

The night wouldn't end without me sitting in the same bench by the park. I can clearly see hid silhouette by his window, somehow imagining what it would have looked like if I was there.

'Wayo Panichyasawadt' was written on my phone screen as a familiar ringtone blasted out of it. I hesitated for a bit, well as much as i always do before I answer, knowing who it would be about, but I always answer anyway.

"What do you need?" In my mind, I'm always deliberating whether I sound too excited, or too indifferent. I want to sound as casual as I can, after all.

"Ai'Ming, I was finally able to call!! Why is your phone always busy when I need to talk to you?"

"What's up? Did something happen with P'Pha?"

"Well ... " He paused for a few seconds. He definitely sounded like he has good news. "I want you to be the first one to know."

"Ai'Yo." I got it already. "Stop with the suspense, just say it."

"We're official."

I knew it. I prepared myself for years--how i would respond if I heard that confirmation. I prepared myself ... but I guess no amount of preparation can remove the clear image of my heart shattering into millions of fragments and shards.

"Hoi! I'm happy for you!" It suddenly started raining. I parked the car somewhat far from where I was sitting. And goodness, never have I been thankful for a sudden shower. "Ai'Yo, I have to go na? It suddenly started raining and I'm outside."

"Okay, okay. Talk to you later!"

I've been running, but ended up soaked under the rain before I found a shelter. Though, I still have the rain to thank for, at least they hid the tears that I've been waiting for to come by, all this time.

I can't distinguish between the rain and the tears on my face, but I'm sure they're there and they're still coming out. The sadness that's still settling in inside me kept asking whether it's worth it crying about him or not.

"Mingkwan!" A familiar voice came calling me, a lot of times before I actually turned his way. "Ming, are you okay? You're soaking wet!"

He used his handkerchief to at least wipe the rain off my face and off my dripping hair. He surely would've done a better job, but he only had a handkerchief with him.

"P'Kit, how did you know I'm here?"

"I live under Wayo's unit." It's not just that, is it? But that actually says a lot, in itself. "I know you stay in that park bench sometimes. It started raining and I saw you run off."

He was still wiping my face. By now he probably knows that I am bawling, since they still won't stop falling, but he didn't stop wiping them away, without saying or asking anything.

"Are you not going to ask why?"

"I don't force people in conversations they don't want to have." He reached out to me a spare umbrella he brought. "Take this. I'll go back first."

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