The Aftermath

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Beca stood there watching Chloe leave after she screamed those words at her. It felt like someone just stabbed her a million times and pushed her over a the edge of a cliff. Her whole body felt numb, but her heart and stomach ached. Her head was scrambled, but tears didn't bother to stay away from falling from her blue eyes. The eyeliner started to smudge or wipe away with the tears that fell down her cheeks. She was stuck in that position; unsure of what to do at that moment.

Amy was shocked still standing in the corner; watching at the scene that just played out in front of her. Her whole body was struck with fear not knowing to where that whole fight was going to lead to. She hoped it would have lead to Beca telling Chloe how she felt finally after all these years, but it didn't. It killed Amy as she looked at Beca seeing her in pain. The sniffles snapped Amy out of her trance and she placed the plate on the counter; quickly walking over to the brunette.

"Take a deep breath" Amy said as she hugged her.

"What just happened?" Beca whispered. She still stood frozen in shock; her eyes staring at the door hoping Chloe would return.

"I'm not entirely sure" Amy sighed. There was no way Amy was seeing that coming. She was easily just enjoying her pizza; listening as Chloe was trying to figure out who Beca loved. Sure, maybe she should have seen it coming with Chloe poking at her over and over. But that was Chloe. Chloe always was a person who wanted to know everything about you. The ginger would ask you repeatedly until you broke. But Beca never broke. On some things she would, but not this. That lead to Chloe basically having an angry outburst and saying things she didn't mean.

It was basically murdering Beca how she felt. She couldn't believe Chloe said what she had just said. Amy sat Beca down back at the table so Beca could regain her thoughts. Amy walked over and cleaned up the mess that the ginger had left. It fell silent between the two girls. Only the sound was from the laptop that fell on the floor playing Full House. Either then that, Beca was lost in her thoughts in silence. She was tuning the show that played in the background out; staring at the door. She was hoping Chloe would walk in and say she never meant what she said. With each second passing, Beca lost hope more and more that the girl would return. She just needed Chloe to at least look at her once more; even if it was with pity. Beca kept thinking to herself how pathetic she was to feel the need to have Chloe. The brunette was so used to being independent and on her own until she met Chloe. Meeting Chloe was something like nothing other. It was opening the door to another world. Chloe was so bubbly and cuddly. Something Beca would hate about anyone, but Chloe it was different. The girl would let Chloe do things others would be terrified to do. For instance Chloe go just grab her headphones and listen to her mixes. If anyone else even dared to attempt that, Beca would've murdered them. Also Chloe could cuddle with Beca. Nobody else could. Not even Jesse for two years of their relationship. Sounds a bit ridiculous, but it was true.

So there she sat; lost in her thoughts. Beca hoped and wished Chloe would walk in that door once more, but nothing.


"Holy shit" Chloe whispered as she just slammed the door shut. Did she really just say those words? They fell out of her mouth without her brain even registering them. Chloe walked to her car; trying to understand what had just happened. The ginger felt numb to it a bit. The event kept happening in her head over and over; it wouldn't leave. Beca's face looked broken when Chloe spoke those words.

Opening the door and sitting in the driver's seat; Chloe replayed the scenario again. Beca's face is what was stuck like a DVD was stuck on one picture in her brain. Letting her head fall and press her forehead against the steering wheel, Chloe debated what to do. She could go back in there and apologize for everything, or she could go to that bar that was down the road and drink her thoughts away. The second option sounded so much easier then the first option.

Chloe lifted her head off the steering wheel and started the car. With that, she pulled off and onto the road. The girl joined the other cars in the traffic with people that were going where ever. Chloe always loved that idea of other cars. People in them had totally different lives. Knew totally different people and knew different things. Everyone was different. But one thing the people pulling into the bar parking lot all had one thing in common. That was that they all wanted to drink.

The ginger parked her car and got out; locking it behind her. Whistles were already heard from the three drunk guys that were all almost vomiting on the sidewalk. Chloe rolled her eyes and walked passed them into the bar. When the door opened she was welcomed to the sounds of talking, music, and dishes. She found her way to the bar and sat up on the barstool. Instantly the bar tender found her way to her. She wore all black, had tattoos, her makeup was a bit heavy, and her hair was blue.

"Hey, what can I get you?" She asked. Her voice was raspy as she threw the towel over her shoulder; fixing her black glasses slightly.

"Whatever you recommend for a best friend breakup" Chloe sighed as she rested her head on her left hand; looking up at the girl.

"Oh, Jack Daniels then. Want a few shots?" The girl asked causing a nod from Chloe.

Chloe looked around as people were drinking; laughing with their friends. Chloe missed her friend, maybe a little more then she ever should. She didnt ever miss Aubrey thay much. Aubrey and her were basically sisters.

"Here you go" The bartender said handing her the three shots of Jack Daniel's in front of her.

One shot; Beca's reaction to the words Chloe spoke.

Second shot; Beca not telling her about who she loves anymore.

Third shot; Beca not having the same feelings as Chloe did for her.

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