Secret Plan (A03 Version)

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(A/N) So future reference. You guys cool with smut?

Chloe and Beca were standing in the kitchen. Both girls facing each other as their hands that were leaning on the kitchen island had their fingers tangled together. Both trying to brain storm a couple ideas of how to get rid of Mary and Aubrey so they could be alone.

Beca had suggested they just lock them out of the house, but of course Chloe shut that train of thought down very, very, quickly.

"Got it" Chloe said as she snapped her finger.

The snap caused Beca to snap out of her staring trance she had towards Chloe. The brunette was still in complete shock to how Chloe just kissed her and said that she was in love with her minutes ago.

"We should convince them that there is gonna be a huge line at the show and they have to go get in line for good seats-"

"Chlo' it's a play" Beca smirked a bit at the idea. She wasn't believing that it would actually, possibly, work.

"Can you trust me on this? It's gonna work!"

"What if it doesn't?"

"Then we figure something else out alright?" Chloe said and Beca just nodded. "Good, let us get to work"

Chloe slipped her hand away from Beca's; walking away to go over to the desktop in the living room. Beca groaned and followed like a lost puppy.

Beca was never ever this clingy towards anyone except Chloe. But especially now that Beca knew Chloe actually felt the same feelings, she wanted to be around the redhead for what felt like forever. That being said, the brunette didn't want to leave Chloe's side. Also she wanted to cuddle with Chloe in the most horrible way.

Of course Beca would never admit to that, but Chloe already had a sense of that. Mainly she knew because Beca pulled up a seat next to her and placed her left cheek against Chloe's right shoulder. Chloe couldn't help but let a small smile escape her lips as she started to search the venue that they were going to.

"Okay so, photoshopping time. Can you pull up a fake account for me?" Chloe asked the small brunette.

"Mhm" Beca mumbled as she pulled her phone out.

Both girls quickly got to work on their plan. Chloe photoshopping a line outside of the venue, Beca creating a fake Instagram account.

"Should I buy followers so it seems real?" Beca asked. She really wanted to see if the whole buying followers even worked.

"Oh my god" Chloe laughed. "Are we really going that length to be alone?"

"I think we are" Beca said as she looked up to meet Chloe's eyes. They were their famous blue orbs; probably the most beautiful thing to Beca. Well, everything about Chloe is beautiful to Beca.

Chloe leaned down and placed her soft lips against Beca's forehead; leaving a small kiss there. But then she moved down to look into Beca's eyes.

"We can make out later, go buy followers" Chloe giggled a bit.

"Ugh! You're such a tease!" Beca whispered yelled and walked away to go grab her credit card that was on the porch.

Luckily enough for Beca though, Mary and Aubrey were in the garden. Aubrey was showing off the flowers she had been planting, Mary giving her advice on how to grow them better. That being said, Beca had good time to grab her bag and run back inside.

When she got back inside she sat in the dining room as she pulled her wallet out. The girl had found a dumb "Buy Yourself Free Followers!" website pulled up on her phone while she unzipped the wallet and pulled her card out. She ended up buying 10k for the fake account. After buying the followers, she then added photos to it to make it look legit.

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