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Can inspiration come out of thin air?

May be.....but it can certainly come through air......through the air that someone breathes whom you love...that air can change can feel something unique in that air.....a different smell...a different colour.....maybe even a different taste...........

It makes you breathe a new life.....and fill your lungs with such an air you don't want to let  go....that  air  which  is  fully  transparent without anything hidden....that air which makes you see everything clearly..but at the  same time creates fogginess.......that air which sustains your life...that air which you would like to breathe until..maybe even after your last breath..that air which smells of your beloved...which is better than all the fragrance of all the roses in this entire world

Here comes the season of love.............................................................................................................

to make you breathless....................................................................................................................

LOVE IS IN THE AIR................................

Love is in the airOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora