Chapter Two

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-in the rooftop-

"Ahhh.... fresh air. No one bothered me, at least. Kiyoharu..... Such a familiar name.... I wonder where I heard it from...," I mumbled as I was looking for a nice comfy place where I can eat. "Aha! His name reminds me of Kiyoharu Hajime. I wonder how Haru's doing.... Oh well, I know he'll be well, after all he is the ace in everything."I remembered my memories with him from before. There was this one time that we did some drills in Math in Elementary, and he would always ace them. He looked so scary when taking those drills too. Many people feared him, but once you know him really well; He is really kind, straightforward, and he is overprotective.

As I was eating and happily humming to myself, my mind was completely focused on positive stuff, and on sleep; not really minding anything else.

Little did I know I was being watched. 

By someone I didn't expect.


After lunch, it was Math. I can say I am pretty good at it.

But, today was only orientations.

What a shame.

As I were listening to the orientation, I started laying on top of my arms on the desk. I looked at my left, which was a nice view of birds flying in the air, since I was beside the window. I looked at Hyodo, who was at my right, listening intently to the orientation. Now, I just felt a weird feeling in my stomach. His looks; sharp jawline, mahogany brown eyes, straightforward look.... All of those... Look like Haru's..... Is he? No way. That would be impossible. Haru said he would be in Russia, Training and studying there for the nationals. He told me that he'll come back when he is in college. As I was debating whether Hyodo was Haru, I didn't notice him looking at me. "Uhmmm.... Is there something on my face?" Hyodo asked. "What?! Oh no! Sorry for staring." I nearly yelled just by hearing his voice. His voice sounds alike Haru's. Is he really?


That was weird. A strangely familiar looking girl stared at me unconsciously. She reminds me of Y/N. I haven't really asked for her name yet. I should ask. "No no, it's alright. May I ask for your name?" I said in a polite manner. "Uhhh.... Y/N L/N." She smiled cutely. I knew it. She was Y/N, my long lost best friend, and crush. It's too bad though.... She likes someone else (in which she'd never tell me who), and.... She won't even dare to try and remember me . She has eyes for someone else. If only..... No no no NO NO. I should stop, take a deep breath; inhale and exhale, and control my feelings for her. I was pretty selfish on wanting her, but if I let my emotions run through me.... She might not even like me as a friend anymore! Ugh, stop thinking about her and focus on the orientation. Yeah, just like that. Just li- "UWAHHHH!!! DIE!!!!" Some stranger barged in our room holding a gun. Y/N stood up glaring at the man. Many of our classmates hid at the back of the room, the teacher standing helplessly in the corner, the rest of the class..... Fainted. Y/N lunged so suddenly to the guy, and in a split second, She made him unconscious. Our classmates looked up, checking if there was anything more happening, and saw Y/N holding the man. They started cheering for her and She smiled, thankful that there wont be more ruckus.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry also for the short chapter, and so please, once again, read, comment and vote for the story. Thank you for your support!!

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