Chapter Four

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After all the small chat and all that fuzz, we practiced dancing. I had no partner so I started to shadow. Haru saw this, so he offered to be my partner. Just like old times. "Hey, Y/N, your shadowing. Do you need a partner?" I slowly nodded as I moved. "Alright..." He moved closer to me grabbed me by my waist. "Uwahhh!" I yelled. Then and there, we started dancing our simple choreography.

Little did I know, there was someone extremely jealous of me dancing with Haru.

And that was Shizuku.

I noticed that Shizuku came in at the time we started dancing, and I felt that she had a different aura around her. Since we were doing Waltz, we did an Throwaway Oversway, in which made Shizuku very jealous.

We finished our choreography and Sengoku-san clapped. Shizuku saw the whole thing and was.... Well, deadly. I saw her and started to talk to her, maybe it might help her calm her nerves. "Hello, Shizuku-san!" I yelled running towards her. "DON'T YOU DARE COME CLOSER, YOU BITCH. DON'T EVEN THINK OF STEALING KIYOHARU FROM ME!" She yelled. I was surprised, because she was always calm and collected. Then, it struck to me. She liked Haru. My eyes shot open wide with my mouth agape. Haru also heard this and looked up getting mad. He went first to Shizuku,talking to her in private. I heard Shizuku yell something along the lines of ' Why that bitch, huh?!' and 'You're supposed to be mine!' and stuff like that. I sat beside Sengoku-san, and asked him questions. "Ne, Sengoku-san. Why is Shizuku mad? Is she jealous because of me dancing with Haru? Or is it because of something else?" I asked and started sobbing. "I don't like to make more enemies. I just want to make friends." Sengoku hugged me and patted my back. "I don't really know the answer, but, I'm-" "WELL TOO BAD! I LOVE Y/N, NOT YOU, SHIZUKU!" Haru screamed from the room. I looked up at Sengoku-san, and nodded. We ran straight for the room they were in, and saw Shizuku crying and whining like a bitch she always was. As for Haru, he huffed and puffed because he screamed. We both looked at each other at the same time, our eyes saying everything. "Y/N.... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. I just-" I hugged him as he started crying. Shizuku was brought out of the room, and Sengoku called the Mental Hospital, because Shizuku started going crazy. Haru started sobbing, and I comforted him. "Y/N.... I'm sorry.... I'm sorry I like-" I cut him off by kissing him. The kiss was soft and gentle. Slowly I wrapped my arms around his neck, as his hands found way to my waist. We had to part for the loss of air, and I brought our foreheads together. "This is my way of saying I love you too. With all my heart, I love you." I said. "I love you too.. Y/N." He said. He kissed me again, but this kiss was fierce and passionate. I felt his tongue graze over my lower lip and I gladly allowed him to explore my hot, wet cavern. Once finished, he removed himself from me, with a string of saliva connecting it.

A/N: Hey yall! I made the fourth chapter and please comment on how the story is. Sorry also for the grammatical errors and slow updates!

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