Chapter Three

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-after school-

"I'M FREE!" I shouted as History class just ended. I really hate History. Not that I'm bad at it, but because it is so boring. And the teacher is mean too. As they say, one factor can affect the overall thing. Or something along those lines.

As I was fixing my bag, I found there a letter. A love letter. Ugh. I absolutely do not want to date anyone except Haru. I mean, Hyodo looks like Haru but in can be a doppelganger. Or something. But, okay. I'll have to reject another one. Ugh, why is life so hard?!
I read the letter and it said that I should go up the roof to meet him. I need to hurry for this. I can't miss ballroom practice, now can I?!

-on the rooftop-

I was waiting for this mysterious person who told me to wait by the rooftop. Gog, can't he hurry up?!


"Sorry for the wait, L/N-san!" As I heard my name, My eyes perked up and looked at the direction to where the voice came from.

And that person was Tatara Fujita. He's from my class, and... Well everyone knows that he has taken a liking towards me since Middle School. Yeah, sure he seems like a creep, but he's actually kind. And not a stalker.

"Uhm, L/N, I..... I like you! Please date me!" Tatara said with his blushing state. "I'm sorry Fujita-san..... But I like someone else. I know he wont like me, but at least I can express my feelings to him once he returns from Russia. He already has someone!" I chuckled as tears are starting to trickle down my face. "You know, Fujita, I personally think, That there is someone out there that's perfect for you. If that time comes, be happy, okay? Take that as a chance wherein you can express your feelings to her and, who knows he might like you back." "Alright, L/N-san. Thank you for the advice!" He said, making sure not to further pursue in my business.

-after confession, during practice-

"Damn, I'm late." I muttered to myself as I came to the studio. "Hello..." I said in a monotonous voice. "Hyodo-san?!" Y/N screamed. Shit, she's here too? It's not that I don't like it, but, I really, really like her. I don't want her to know because she might think of me as a creep, or something.

"Ano, Hyodo-san...... May I ask why you're here?" Y/N asked so cutely. "I practice here, sometimes." I said turning around so she wont see my blushing state. "I'm here because I practice here, sometimes with Shizuku." I said trying to find an escape.

"Ah, alright. I'll go and practice now. Bye, Hyodo-san!" She screamed as we turned around to do our own business. I went to the changing room and started stripping. I got out as I finished changing.

I heard my name being called so I checked out what was happening. "Ah! Hello, Hyodo. What a surprise it is, isn't it?" Sengoku-san said. I replied with a nod.

"Well, Y/N, this is Kiyoharu Hyodo, but his name before was Kiyoharu Hajime." Sengoku-san said which made Y/N and I go wide eyed. "Haru?!" Y/N screamed. I blushed and just started to look away, slowly moving away from Sengoku-san and Y/N. "Haru!" Y/N called. I stopped moving and turned around slightly to see what she needs. "Yes?" I said anxiously. "Why didn't you tell me in school?! If you told me, I would've known and wouldn't have stared at you, debating if you were Haru or someone else?!" Y/N said. Oh boy, we made the dragon mad.

Hey guys! Sorry for the lame chapter. Hehe, I just got out of school and IT WAS HECTIC. School was fun, because I was able to spend a lot of time with my crush. And I used that experience as part of the story. Well, Please read, comment and vote!

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