They didnt Notice

45 3 1

I have fallen in love 

with a beautiful poet 

whose words stain my mind.

You are obsessed 

with the idea of 

finding someone to love you,

because you cannot love yourself.

But you have 

spilled your marrow,

and filed away at your emotions

for people 

Who only wish 

to see your lips move

in an argument 

that none of you can win, 

tongues twisted up like roots.

You take a swing 

from the bottle,

and feel the familiar 

heat wave rushing down your throat.

But darling,

haven’t you learned 

that liquor tastes twice 

as bad on the way up?

You tell yourself 

that maybe, 

if everything else was blurry,

you’d see yourself better

Tell yourself 

that you just 

to stop thinking,

if only for a minute.

Your hands are scarred 

and bloodstained 

from cleaning up

Peoples messes 

one too many times,

and trying to piece them

back together,

but they are 

shards of broken glass,

from a picture frame

and you are trying 

to pull them back together. 

They were amazing, 

you tell yourself.

But you slip in between their

cold fingertips, 

and they don’t even notice

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