No Regrets

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I was still holding Brent's hand as we went into Danielle's room.

My mother was sobbing loudly.

I sat down on the other side of Danielle, my hair was wet from the ocean, and well as tears that have now escaped from my eyes, just looking at Danielle's current condition.

"Don't have any regrets." Danielle said to me weakly.

I looked up at Brent, who handed a tissue to me.

I grabbed Danielle's hand, and she grabbed on with what grip she had.

I could feel the life falling out of her small hand.

I found my self start to sing. I was singing "Say Something". My mom also noticed that I was singing because she began to hum along with the tune. Danielle tried to sing as well, but it ended up being a weak squeak, mixed with a raspy form of a death rattle. My breathing was starting to slow as well. I figured it was just from panic. Or depression. I could feel the grip of Danielle's hand on mine relax, and when I look back at her, I realized she had died.

My mother let out a loud, ugly sob, and stormed out of the room crying, and my father followed her out, rubbing her back.

Brent pulled me into an extremely tight hug. My eyes were fixed on the corpse of my dead sister. Brent must have felt my tension and fear, because he adjusted my body so I wasn't facing the body.

"I'm so sorry Jade." Brent said.

"I know."

I am so lucky to have a best friend like him.

My little sisters last words were ringing in my head. I'll take them seriously, I don't want to be lying down on my death bed having regrets about things I did, or didn't do.

"Lets go to the bridge." Brent said, as we walked out of the hospital room.

My parents were talking to some doctors, and I pulled my mom aside and told her I was going to go to the bridge with Brent.

She nodded at me, and continued to talk to the doctors. My dad was still rubbing her back.

Brent pulled me into a hug as we sat down in his car.

Say Something (completed)Where stories live. Discover now