Squirrelflight meets Yellowocean

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I was on my way to the hunting grounds. Now, I, being the great Firestar's daughter, get a lot of attention, but everybody was staring at me as if I had grown an extra paw. My sister, Leafpool came and asked,"Squirrelflight, can you come visit me in the medicine den?" I didn't know what she was talking about so I entered the den. Leafpool took a look at me and she said, Yes. You are dying. Looks like it is coming over you too. I just can't believe it. I hoped against hope but it wasn't enough."

"WHAT!" I shouted "What are you talking about?"

Leafpool replied,"It's a sickness that can't be treated. Almost everyone from every Clan has it. I'm calling it Yellowocean because if you drink a yellow liquid called oil and you drink honey with it and then eat a mouse, you start leaking out yellow water from your ears.It is coming from the lake. A lot of Riverclan cats have died."

I remembered drinking a little water that was brown and murky in the rain but it could be yellow if there was sunlight. The puddle was close to the lake and I remembered that I was not the only one who drank it. There were others who probably had this sickness because of me.

I thought to myself about Brambleclaw and about Jayfeather,Lionblaze,Hollyleaf,Sunberry, and Ryeheart. Lionblaze and Sunberry were my own with BrambleClaw and Hollyleaf,Jayfeather, and Ryeheart were Leafpool's with Crowfeather. They would all watch me die and maybe themselves will die.

"Squirrelflight,are you okay?"asked Leafpool. How could I be? I had just been given news that was fatal. I could not be cured by any healing herb. This was worse than greencough or whitecough.

"Who else has the sickness?" I asked warily as she stared at me. She looked bewildered, as if this question was bad for me and the truth might kill me.

"I'm so sorry but Sunberry, Stormfur,Honeyfern ,and Hollowflight have it.All the other clans have at least 4 cats with the same sickness. Only you,me,and all the other medicine cats know." Leafpool then shut up as Sunnyberry walked in.

"Okay Leafpool,I will see you later!" I answered. I walked over to Brambleclaw and asked him to follow me to the border. When we got there I started sobbing. I mean ,seriously though, what if I told you that you had the disease? How would you feel? Brambleclaw calmed me down enough so he could understand my words through my crying.

"Squirrelflight, what is wrong with you?" He asked.

" I ... can't say...because it would ...make you sad...and then everybody else... will know." I sobbed out.

"Squirrelflight, just tell me what it is? Is it the kids? Is it with your sister? Is it with m-" He was interrupted though.

"Windclan, come let us go." I said quickly, still sniffling. Brambleclaw and I went back to camp and slept in the warrior's den. As morning shined through, I woke up. There was no one there and there was a yellow liquid near me. I screamed as I knew these were the symptoms of this disease. I ran out of the den to find something ... amazing. And with the amazing thing was a person who I thought I would never meet again with. He was Firestar.

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