The Snowclan Tradition

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There were obviously looking for something.

"Is she here yet, Havana(Get it)?" asked one snow leopard.

"Not yet Watermelon and you can't find her there. I already checked." Said Havana.

"Oh really? What if I showed you the variable, huh, Havana?" Growled Watermelon.

I realized that they were talking about me.

"Hush, now, my sons. One day you and your future descendants will have to be crowned King of Snow. You will have to find a variable too and make him/her look for the Snow Flower. And how can you when you can't even stop bickering?"Said the other snow leopard.

"Yes, father Blizzard." Said both of them.

"Father, why do we have this tradition? And what will happen to the variable?" Asked Havana.

"Well, you see, before us, there were 5 groups of cats but all from the same family. They were the Lucians, Ekats, Janus, and Tomas(Get it?The 39 Clues?). There were the Madrigals but they were not even considered to be family. The family united after 500 years of fighting over the Snow Flower, Sun Vine, Maple Leaf, and Life Petal, the most powerful things on this world. Together, they could be mixed to become the Nature Water. But this was so dangerous that it could be used destroy the whole world. Each branch except the Madrigals got one ingredient. The Snow Flower was our ingredient. We are the Lucians. And Fireclan forbid that you meet the other branches. Sun Vine was given to the Janus and Life Petal to the Tomas. The Maple Leaf was given to the Ekats. The variable comes in later. You see, the Madrigals, feeling quite left out started a rebellion against us. They won through many battles such as the Croissant Battle and The Battle of Big Ben, they won. Their ancestors became Tigerclan, Lionclan, and such forth. After that they evolved into the Tribe of Rushing Water and even newer, Riverclan, Windclan, and more. Each eon, one of the Madrigals ancestors have to be the variable and try to recreate the Nature Water. If he/she does it, they will survive. If they don't, well we do not know, I remember my grandfather telling me about a tiger that froze to death in the snow. Only one variable has ever done it and it was the first Madrigal. Her nickname was "The Queen". Her real name was Madeline. The old legends don't say that much about her at all except that she was the founder of the Madrigals with her brothers and sisters, Luke, Katherine, Thomas, and Jane, who founded the other branches. Listen, we really need to find that varia-." He cut short of his sentence. "I sense something." He whispers. 

No! NO NO NO NO NO!!! He is going to find me! Then, he saw me and flung me onto the ice. I skidded on the ice while screaming in pain. I got up and I could hear Firestar next to me. 

Concentrate on your body. Build your supply of power and release. Inflate and deflate. Keep calm and close your eyes. Now focus. FOCUS. FOCUS!!!

I screamed and everything turned bright and went dark. The last thing I remember was that Havana, Watermelon, and Blizzard looking at me in fear.

(A/N: If you do not know what Havana or what The 39 Clues are, then you are reading this 50 years later or something. Hi! I'm RishNayanCat or my friends call me(they do not) Rish. Havana is a really popular song here in 2018. And The 39 Clues are a series of books that are really good. If you want, you can read it but it might be old for you because it came out in like 2009 or something like that. If you are in the year 2020, then tell me what is happening. If you are in 2019, then tell what is happening. If you are in 2018, then ... I dare you to read some other books on Wattpad made by these good authors...

Evie Jeebies is a GREAT AUTHOR if you like FNAF.

Hollyfeather7528 is a GREAT AUTHOR if you like cats(like this book is about)

MayTheCat12 is a GREAT AUTHOR if you like cats. Hollyfeather and Maythecat are something like best friends.(I might be wrong... they are girls and girls are weird....)

Unica(blah blah blah. There are 5 numbers after it and it is weird sooo...) The author is a girl and BOY is she ANNOYING (SRY UNICA). She does not have any books yet today on March 8, 2018.

NirtheMan is my BEST FRIEND at school. He does not have any books yet but I will keep you posted on him.( If he has books later then LUCKY HIM. But today, he sadly does not have any books...March 8, 2018.) 

Also please comment so I will be HAPPY! Nice talking to you and see you on the poptart! This is RishNyanCat signing out!

Also there is a puzzle on every page... Try and solve them and put them on the comments...



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