17 0 1

I broke out of that jail and started running as fast as I could. There was snow everywhere! Does it ever stop snowing in this strange land? First though, I had to gather necessities. I quickly made a mental plan at the back of my head.

1. Find water.

2. Find food.

3. Find out location and the closest way to the Janus.

4. Get out of snow and seek warmth.

5. Find a shelter.

6. Find a ally/ friend? Is that important?

7. Steal the Snow Flower from the Snow King

I blinked and tried to find water. The snow could be turned into water but that was a last resort. I soon found a mouse, though, it led me to a lake which hadn't turned to ice yet. I pounced on the mice and voila! There goes steps 1 and 2 off the list. I quickly found some wood and some straw ( I mean the hay thing) and made a HORRIBLE den. There was absolutely no fashion sense in this den but at least it gave me warmth. If only I could be with Bramblestar and my little kits. Ugh! I can't dwell on them. I put the straw on the floor and the walls were made out of wood and mud that I found under the snow. Steps 3 and 4 were done and step 5 was kind of done because I made my own shelter instead of finding a shelter. I decided that I had actually accomplished step 6 because Havana might be my friend. I really don't know. That left out step 7. I needed to find the location of the Snow Flower and break into that particular location then carry that Snow Flower along with me in a container that I have yet to find. Oh, and I forgot, it's not like every snow leopard in the world is coming to find me and lock me up or something. I'm also VERY old and my bones are not the best bones on this world. Something interrupted my thoughts, though.

" Havana oo-na-na

Half of my heart is in Havana oo-na-na

He took me back to East Atlanta oo-na-na."

"HAVANA!!!" I squealed/screamed. If there was one person that could help me get the Snow Flower, it was Havana.

"Squirrelflight?" He asked.

I didn't talk to him at all and just hugged him. He looked confused for a second but he hugged me back.

He pulled back and said, " Come on, we need to find that Snow Flower.

TIME SKIP (I'm too lazy)

"Here is the place." Havana exclaimed to me.

"Woah!" I replied. We were at the Ice Tower. Well, we were outside it, hoping to get in. The fortress's  walls were made of ice. Beautiful sculpted ice statues of snow leopards were engraved in it.  I realized that snow leopard's claws can't get that good of a design. 

"We need to have passes or be one of the family members of the Council of Elders. There are only 5 elders and I am a family member of one of them, my dad. You need to get a pass. Hmmm... there is one way." Havana said.

"What is it?" I inquired.

"We need to make you into a snow leopard so you need Kalinka." He ran around grabbing 2 red berries, digging a hole, putting them inside and getting some honey, a rose, and a pine seed, and putting them inside too. He cupped water with his paws and carried it to the hole.

"May Kalinka and Malinka be intertwined!" Havana bellowed. "May the ancient Gideon look on us and expect..."

"Cough, cough, sneeze, cough." He glared at me for a moment.

"Us to guide the way of his ancient teachings. Menana" Havana stated. He then leaded me to the dark and murky water and just SAT THERE! LIKE NOTHING WAS WRONG!

"Um, excuse me, are you done?" I asked.

"What? Oh yeah, here, this is the last ingredient." He said, handing me a petal of a beautiful flower.

"What is this?" I asked.

"This is one of the last of the White Crowns left. White Crowns don't actually thrive here and are kept in special conditions. I stole this to help you." He said.

"Thanks!" I said and grabbed the petal. I threw it into the water and it became clear and suddenly... "Ahhhh!" I screamed as I flew up 10 feet, and in a flash of white, fell back down with a THUMP! "What was that?" Havana was just looking at me, his jaw dropping. "What?" I looked into the puddle and saw me... the old me. "No...No! I failed, it didn't work!" I screamed. I had a little temper tantrum, but then a object caught my eye.

"What is that?" I asked to myself and moved towards it.

"No, it can't be!" Havana jumps. " It's the Snow Flower! You found it!"

"Yes!" I rejoice and jump up and down.

"Thank you and I'll be taking that!" A new voice comes from behind a bush and we turn towards it. 

"Father?" Havana inquires.

Ooooooooooo! Cliffhanger! Don't you just love it? It's amazing, right? Sorry about the long delay. I know it's almost been a year but I'm working on it now! I'm not procrastinating anymore! Yeah, new chapter = 4 comments and (optional) vote. PLZ!

Riddle/Puzzle/Brain Thinking Sadness Hype Lit Fame Dope Amazingness in a Nutshell!:

Henw heyt omec, het oeplep earf us. Ew earf het olorsc ecauseb heyt ausec su armh.

See you on the poptart! This is RishNyanCat signing out!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2019 ⏰

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