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Pick and Bright were not going to give up just yet. They were going to get Rome into a kitten costume if that was the last thing they did! The end result would be one irate kitten, but both of them agreed on the fact that the pain would be worth it if they could see the junior with kitten ears on his head and a tail swishing back and forth.

The Fall Ball aside, Bright and Pick were more or less getting along with each other. Sure, there was still the occasional head butt, the slapping and the kicking, but other than that, Rome had to admit that they were making progress. They could even watch a movie together without a repeat of what had happened a couple of weeks ago. They were getting used to receiving odd looks as well, especially with Bright and Pick looking alike and all. Some people had even mistaken them as twins and Bright had laughed so hard that he nearly snorted his juice up his nose.

''You're gross. Do you know that?'' Pick asked.

''Us? Twins? Where do people even get these ideas?'' Suddenly, Bright's eyes widened and he had that look on his face which told Pick that the other male had an idea that might potentially backfire in their faces.

''Wait!'' Pick immediately held a hand up. ''Before you open your mouth, my answer is no. Whatever it is that you're thinking, it can't be good.''

Bright furrowed his eyebrows, ''You don't even know what I'm going to say!''

''I don't need to. Nothing good ever comes out of you. We just managed to avoid Rome narrowly dumping our asses.'' Pick shuddered as he thought of the cold treatment that the both of them had been subjected to. ''I don't really want a repeat of that.''

''My dear friend.'' Bright clapped the male's shoulder. ''You've got to learn to loosen up and have fun. Anyway, people are telling us that we look super alike and that we could pass off as twins. Why not we have a little fun with our cutie? You be me, and I'll be you!''

''You want me to take on the role of an idiot and a dipshit? No thank you.''

Bright wasn't even offended. Nothing Pick said bothered him anymore. He was immune to it. Pick was honestly all bark and no bite most of the time.

''Think about it!'' Bright continued. ''We can see how long it takes for Rome to tell us apart. And if you're me, he's not going to be so shy when it comes to PDA. You know that he holds back a little when he's with you because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable, right?''

The idea didn't sound that bad. Especially when Bright phrased it that way. There wasn't any harm....was there?

''Okay, fine. But if Rome gets angry, it's all your idea.''

The first thing they did was to switch their uniforms. There wasn't any problem there since they more or less had similar built and height. Bright took one look at Pick and shook his head.

''Rome's going to see through you in less than a minute. What's with the face? If you're going to be me, you can't walk around looking like you have a stick up your ass. Smile!''

Pick attempted a smile.

''You look like you're constipated. And murderous.''

Bright obviously had no problem mimicking Pick's usual irritated expression. Why were they doing this again? Pick carefully styled his hair and Bright handed his bottle of cologne that he usually used. They sure were putting in a lot of effort for this.

Rome was already waiting for them outside his classroom when the pair finally made it, his eyes brightening when he spotted Bright and Pick. However, his smile faltered a second later and worry overtook his expression.

SOTUSxPuppy Honey: Two is Totally Better Than One [BrightxRomexPick]Where stories live. Discover now