Damn, That Was A Good Kiss!

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Guest Collaborator/Writer: JaeMi1


Friday afternoon before the Fall Ball

“Fucking dipshit!” Pick heard a loud masculine voice yell as he approached a set of picnic tables in the courtyard of the Engineering Faculty where he could see Bright and several others sitting. Every single person there smacked him on the head, the last one sent the man flying backwards off his seat in a tussled mess on the grass. A few of the guys laughed at the sight while a shorter one with a severe look and another that looked to be made up of muscles just shook their heads.

“What the fuck do you think you're doing?!” Hurrying over, Pick helped Bright to stand and immediately checked his head and body for injuries. He scowled at the group of hazers, not the least intimidated by them, as they stared back at him in shock. “Bright is mine! Only I get to call him a dipshit!”

Running his fingers through the silky strands of dark hair to feel for any weird bumps or bleeding, Pick continued to grumble about the abusive behavior and violent tendencies of Engineering students. There wasn't anything wrong that he could find so he looked into Bright's eyes in concern with his hands still framing the handsome face. “You alright, B?”

“I'm fine. These assholes are always smacking me so my head is used to it by now,” Bright answered with a half smile to reassure Pick. This was the first time anyone came to his defence and he's surprised that it's this guy that did it. He thought Prick would be first in line to hit him or be egging the others on to hit him harder. It left a funny warm feeling inside similar to the way their kitten made him feel.

“If you're sure…” Pick studied him thoughtfully until Bright gave an affirmative nod. “Good.”

Without a second thought, without the slightest pause, Pick leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to Bright's lips. It was over before he could blink and he almost didn't believe it had happened except for the tingle it left behind.

Pick’s eyes widened as he realized that he had just kissed Bright… and he liked it. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? He dropped his hands from Bright's head as if they had been scorched and tried to take a step back.

Wrapping a fist in Pick’s collar, Bright tugged him close and smashed their lips together. Nope, it wasn't a fluke. The tingles washed over him again and became a wildfire. He tilted his head and lightly licked across the seam of Pick's mouth, making him gasp. His tongue invaded the wet warm recesses and tangled with its partner. A quiet moan escaped from Bright when Pick's arms wrapped around his waist, crushing him into his solid form.

Loud wolf whistles brought them back to their senses and they quickly parted, panting to catch their breath. Both had forgotten that there was an audience. The whistle had come from Prem who was smirking outrageously at them but the other hazers looked ready to pounce on their friend. Usually, it's Bright's smartass comments and teasing that drive them crazy. This time it's Bright's turn to be teased.

“I always knew you had a lot of self love but dating your doppelganger brings it to a whole new level, ai'Bright.”

“If you're jealous, go kiss your 0062, ai'Arthit,” Bright snarled back barely looking away from Pick. Ignoring what the rest of his friends said and the grouchy pout of Arthit, Bright focused back on Pick. “Not that I'm complaining… in fact, feel free to kiss me anytime… but what brings you to this den of insanity?”

“I came to see if you were done with class so we could pick up our Kitten.” Pick answered him automatically, still in shock and not sure how he should react to this new twist in their relationship. Before, it was all about Rome, but now… damn, that was a good kiss...

“I'm set.” Bright hefted the strap of his bag over his shoulder and laced his hand with Pick's, ignoring the slight hesitation of those fingers to curve around his own. The more they do it, the easier it will be for Pick to get used to the touching, Bright figured. After that kiss, Bright planned to do a whole lot more touching too. He waved at his friends with his free hand and walked away, hand-in-hand with the guy he would have gladly punched not too long ago.


“Loosen up Pick.”  It takes about ten minutes to hike it across campus from the engineering building to where Rome is and for the last five Pick has been stiff as a board.  “What happened to the guy who just kissed me silly in front of all my friends?” Bright teased.

Pick groaned.  Fuck, he did do that and he hadn’t been embarrassed in the least.  Even though he called Bright a dip shit and other choice words only he could that.  Not his stupid ass friends. When Pick heard what they were saying about Bright he saw red.

Shit, he liked him.

Stopping completely Bright turned back to look at him questioningly.  Looking Bright straight in the eyes Pick blurted out, “I like you. When the hell did that happen?”

Bright tried not to laugh at Pick’s ‘what the fuck’ face.  “I’m hard not to like,” Bright said with a wink. “I like you too, Pick.  I mean that.”

Squeezing Bright’s hand they started walking again.  “Should we tell Rome?”

“Yes, but not right now.  I have an idea.” Bright leaned in and whispered it into into Picks ear.  As he finished Pick’s smile grew wide.

“I like it.  It will be a surprise our kitten will enjoy.”

“Now let’s go pick our kitten up.  We have stuff to do before your faculty party tomorrow.”

Pick laughed, “Yeah like tricking our Rome into a kitten costume.  He’s going to be so fucking cute!”

SOTUSxPuppy Honey: Two is Totally Better Than One [BrightxRomexPick]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz