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Bright was looking a little green around the gills. He was sure Pick liked the spiciest, hotter than hell dish on the menu. His stomach was already churning only after three bites and he knew sweat was pouring off of him.

"You okay, p'Pick?" Rome asked in concern. "You aren't looking well."

"Mm...fine," Bright mumbled between gulps of water. He needed milk. Or bread. Water was not extinushing his burning tongue. "Excuse me for a minute." In his haste to get up and run to the bathroom he overturned the water pitcher soaking a startled Pick.

"Shit Br...Pick! Watch what you are doing?" Bright was already jogging towards the restroom holding his stomach. "I'll be back in a minute, Rome."

"Please check on Pick while you are drying off," Rome called out as he left the table. Pick waved a hand over his head in acknowledgement. Once both of his lying boyfriends were gone Rome made a call to his best friend.


"Emma I need your help..."

"Anything, Rome. I'm always here to help." They spent the next ten minutes planning Rome's revenge. Once he saw his boys walking back towards them he hung up with Emma.

"I need to go home, kitten," Bright announced. "I'm going to grab a cab and Bright will drop you at home."

"No reason for that p'Pick. We can all go," Rome insisted picking up his bag and standing up. "It's weird you getting sick from the food here. We eat here all the time."

Bright let out mirthless laugh. "I know. Weird, right?"

Once 'Pick' was dropped off Rome let his gaze settle on 'Bright'. How they thought he wouldn't recognize them Rome didn't understand. Even as 'Bright' drove him home he drove like Pick did. His p'Pick always kept his hands at ten and two while driving and his Bright usually had an arm around the other seat or out the window. He would sit slouched and have the music turned up loud.

"Thanks from the ride, Bright." Rome leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Picks stiff lips. He still wasn't used to physical contact even when they were alone. At the last minute before Rome could fully break away Pick surprised him by sliding his hands into his hair and angling his head taking his mouth in a fiery kiss.

"See you tomorrow, kitten," Pick murmured placing a few more feather light kisses against his lips before releasing him.

Not being able to form words Rome hummed in response fumbling for the door handle. It was too tempting to push Picks limits being with him in such a small place. Rome touched his tingling lips as he walked up to his door. Turning back he found Pick still sitting there waiting for him to get safely in his house. Rome waved, fishing his keys out of his pocket. Even while being pranked he loved both of those guys dearly. They were going to pay dearly for their deceit. Rome grinned in anticipation.


The next morning Bright was feeling much better. After spending the majority of the night stuck on the toilet he finally fell asleep in the early AM. He had contemplated for a half a second on whether or not he wanted to stay home sick but he didn't want to worry his kitten and the thought of seeing him got him out of bed and into the shower.

Bright spotted Rome as soon as he stepped foot on campus. Smiling he drank in the sight of his kitten laughing at something Emma said. When his face broke out into a luminous smile Bright tracked with his eyes what was making his Kitten so happy. Bright's own smile turned to a frown as Rome said goodbye to his friend and broke out into a dead run. Not believing his eyes Rome was headed straight for Pick.

What the hell?

Pick watched as Rome came barreling towards him shouting excitedly about who the hell knew what and Pick braced himself when it became apparent that Rome wasn't stopping!

Rome jumped at him winding his arms around his neck and legs around his waist. Pick juggled the squirming junior settling his weight while trying to stay on two feet only to be taken off balance once again when Rome placed his small warm hands on his face pulling him in for a kiss.

"Good Morning, p'Bright! I'm so glad you are feeling better."

Picks eyes became as big as saucers. How could Rome not know it was him? He had on his normal white button up/tie attire while he could see Bright approaching them wearing his engineering jacket.

"Am I interrupting something?"

Rome buried his face in the crook of Picks neck trying hard to hide his smile. Bright sounded confused and a little hurt. While he was more affectionate to Bright he never blatantly did anything like he was doing now.

"Not at all p'Pick. If you want I can kiss you too," Rome said jumping down. Turning he smiled at his scowling boyfriend. At this particular moment Bright did resemble Pick a great deal.

"I know that the prick and I look a lot a like but you should be able to tell your boyfriends apart by now, Rome," Bright muttered in mild irritation, "Should we start wearing name tags!"

Rome threw his head back and laughed, hysterically.

Bright and Pick didn't see what was so funny.

"You can play a prank on me but can't take it when I turn the tables. Did you really think I wouldn't figure out what you were doing yesterday? I don't want you pretending to be someone else, even each other. I like you both just the way you are. P'Pick you don't have to be p'Bright for me to hold your hand or kiss you. I'm trying to be considerate of your comfort level, but I'll start doing what I like if you are up for it," Rome said sincerely.

Pick bit his bottom lip and held out his hand for Rome's smaller one. "I would like that. I'm sorry that Bright and I tried to fool you yesterday."

"I forgive you both. Besides I think Bright suffered enough yesterday. I'm sorry too for adding extra chili's to your dish."

"Kitten! I was a mess after eating only a few bites of that meal," Bright whined.

Rome smirked. "Served you right for messing with me. Don't worry. I can tell you both apart even when you are trying hard to deceive me. Please don't do it again."

Both nodded in solemn agreement.

"Sorry, kitten. We promise to never do it again."

Rome smiled. "Good, now walk me to class."

Pick kept a tight hold on Rome's hand as they headed off towards the building that had Rome's first class. Bright walked close beside Rome leaving his own hand down by his side. He would give this moment to Pick. It was a big step for him accepting Rome's hand in public. He was actually a little proud of the prick. But he would never admit that.



I know it has been forever since I last posted.  I have been super busy, but life is starting to settle down.  I'm going to be finishing up this story in the upcoming weeks.  Thank you all for reading and sticking with me.  I have the best lovelies ever.  Hug your Papa's today or the special man in your life that has been a father to you.  Hug your Mama's.  Mine was both for many years and I couldn't have asked for a better mom/dad.  Mama Peggy was beyond special and she is missed especially on days like today.

Lots of love,


SOTUSxPuppy Honey: Two is Totally Better Than One [BrightxRomexPick]Where stories live. Discover now