Chapter 22

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I get home after spending pretty much all day after school at the mall with Chrissy getting my prom dress. Which might I say looks fabulous on me!

Anyways, once I get home I head upstairs to my room to get started on my homework.

But before I go to my room I'm stopped outside of Lizzie's room due to her yelling my name.

"DIANA!" She yells as if I can't hear.

"What do you want now?" I ask her trying to be as polilet as possible. Which is hard right now since I'm so stressed out at the moment.

"Nevermind then, I'll talk to you when you're in a better mood." Her reply was full of sass. Which is something I thought she would do.

She got up and shut the door right in my face. I didn't even know how to react to that at all. So I just kept walking to my room.

When I get to my room I head straight over to my phone charger and plug in my phone and my iPod into my iPod charger. I sit on my bed with my book bag also on my bed and get started on my math homework.

But half way through my homework, I get sidetracked due to Pandora playing Sing by Ed Sheeran.

I jump up off my bed singing along to the song. This has to be my favorite song at the moment.

Well besides All Of Me by John Legand. As the song comes to an end I hear yelling from downstairs.

"Diana sweetheart, please come down here." My mother calls for me.

I'm hesitant at first to go down because of all the yelling that has just accured but, I head down anyways.

When I make my way down stairs, I noticed that my mom and dad were standing at the island in the middle of the kitchen with my dad's MacBook opened up.

In all honesty, I get a little worried. Normally they never get on a computer together. Well unless it's something serious or my grades are involved.

"Come here love." My dad calls me over in a sweet low tones voice. Making it more comfortable for me.

"Now, we know how much singing means to you and how big of a role it plays in your life..." My father begins to trail off.

"We've been looking into different singing shows. Such as American Idol, X-Factor, and The Voice." My mother chimes in.

"And!?" I say getting excited because I think I know what's going to be said next.

"Anddddd.... The Voice is holding auditions in Washington DC this summer and we put you on the list for auditions." My mom says with excitement in her voice.

"OH MY GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!" I say jumping into my parents arms then rushing upstairs to tell Jake the good news.


After school I ride the bus home to go get ready to go driving for a bit. Since I need to get my hours in for my permit. Plus, I have to get ready for tonight's lacrosse game since I'm going with Chrissy to talk.

When I get home my dad is already in the passenger seat with the keys in the car waiting for me. As I'm walking pass the door, I make a gesture saying that I'll be right back since I have to drop off my book bag, grab a drink, and a little snack.

Once I do those things I walk back out to the car. When I get to the car, I get in, put my seatbelt on and start the car. The engine starts and I move the lever down to the drive part. I turn around in my seat so I can back out of the driveway with ease.

I drive around in Thurmont for a good 15-20 minutes until my dad tells me to begin to head home. When I head home it's about 3:45. The game starts at 6:00.

I need to be at the school/field at around 5:50. So with that quick mental math done, I hurry up to my room to get dressed and shower.

When I get out of the shower I wrap my hair up in the towel and wrap my body in another towel and walk out of the bathroom. I head to my dresser and pull out a bra and a pair of panties.

Once I have them, I toss them onto my bed. I head over to my closest and pick out a pair of black shorts, a baby blue tank top, and a see threw laced white tribal design tank top.

I get dressed then walk back into the bathroom. I lean my head over and take off the towel on my head. Revealing my semi (not even close to being dry) hair.

Before I do anything else up get ready I check the time and it's 4:30. Wow, this is a record time for me to get ready. I apply a little bit of concealer and foundation.

I don't really use eye makeup so I skip over that and just get started on my hair. Noticing all the time I have left to get ready, I chose to straighten my hair. Which is something I hardly ever do since it's so time consuming. Due to the fact of how thick my hair is.

Finally getting done my hair I check the time on my phone that's been charging since I got done driving. It's 5:40 and I have 98% battery.

So with that I call up Chrissy and let her know I'm ready and that I'll be outside on the front porch waiting for her arrival.

After about 5 minutes of waiting Chrissy and her mom pull up in the drive way. And of course it's 5:45 and we only have 5 minutes to get to the school/field, pay for our entrance, and get good seats.

Her mom takes the back way making it quicker to get to the school/field. When we make it to the school/field I thank her endlessly for the ride to and from.

Of course being the way her mom is she says it fine and she can do it whenever I need a ride. Which really works out since I can't have Jake take me to or from school until my parents meet him.

I push that thought to the back of my head. We get to the bleachers and get our seats. And surprisingly we got good seats for the game.

The game ended earlier than anyone expected it to so Chrissy and I walked over to the gate of the field and just laid down and talked about things that have been on my mind.

"Have you noticed that Randy has been kinda distant from me?" Chrissy asks me with some noticeable pain in her words.

"No, what do you mean?" In all honesty, I do know what she means. And I think I've been doing it to Jake...

"Well, he just hasn't been the same with me." Chrissy explains to me so I can better understand.

"How about this, this weekend spend all weekend together. That way you guys can get close agian." I offer trying to help. Even though I didn't want them together because of how Randy is, I could tell tha she really likes him.

"That's actually a really good idea. Do you and Jake want to come along?"

"I would but......"

"But what?!"

"I need to rehearse for my audition..." I trial off trying not to make it a big deal. Even though I'm FREAKING out about it.

"For what?" That puzzled tone rose in her voice.

"My mom and dad got me an auditition for The Voice since over the summer they'll be holding audititions in Washington DC."

"Oh my god!" She says with excitment in her voice.

After I tell her about the auditition my dad texts me saying that he's here so I walk over to his car.

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