Chapter 32

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Only 2 more hours until Valerie heads home. I thought the first time she left was going to be hard. But boy was I wrong. This time is going to be harder. I don't know if it'll ever get easier saying goodbye to her. Well it never really is 'goodbye' with us. It's always going to be 'See You Later".

"Valerie!!" I yell from my spot on the couch where I was watching t.v down to the basement where she was with Shawn.

"Yeah?!" Valerie yells back. I heard her come running up the stairs but fall halfway up the stairs.

"Haha, lets spend an hour together before you leave and then spend an hour with the boys?"

"That sounds perfect. Let me go tell Shawn the plan." With that Valerie went back downstairs. Not even 5 minutes later she comes up the stairs hand in hand with Shawn leading him over to the door. They say their 'goodbyes' and she comes over into the living room with me. 

"So, whatcha wanna do?" Valerie asks me as she hops onto her spot.

"Hmmm, why don't we just sit around and talk like how we used to when we would hang out?"

"That sounds fun!" Excitment filled her voice when I put out that offer.

We sat around for about 30 minutes talking about how much fun Prom was and trash talking all the sluts that were there that night. Which was almost everyone there. 

"So, tell me. What happened after Prom with you and Jake." Valerie randomly says out of complete no where.

"Oh yeah, well about that..." I trailed off. Of course I want to tell Valerie what happened. I'm jujst scared of what she's going to think of me. I've always been good when it came to guys. 

"Things kind of happened at his house that night."

"You guys did the do?" Valerie whispers at me knowing that Lizzy is home and if Lizzy knew she'd tell and I'd be dead.


"You did!" 

After I explained what all had happened things were calm. She even told me what happened with her and Shawn that night. They even slept together. That must be why she wasn't so agervated with me as I thought she would've been. 

Once we talked for a bit longer the boys showed up at the house. Oddly enough Lizzy was the one to answer the door. So the 4 of us just laid around in the basement up until Valerie's last 10 minutes. That's when her and Shawn went upstairs into my room and gathered up her bags and what not. 

3 minutes later they both came back downstairs. Jake and I were standing at the door waiting. Once Valerie made her way down the stairs she just dropped her bags at the bottom of the stairs and ran over to me. When I saw her run I began to run over to her as well. When we made it to each other we just stood there and hugged. 

As we hugged I swayed her from side to side trying to control both of our tears from falling. Jake is still standing by the door while Shawn is still at the end of the stair case with Valerie's bag. This has to be the hardest 'See You Later' I've ever had to do. Even though she was only here a week it felt like forever. 

"I loved our little infinity." I couldn't help but smile and let out a giggle inbetween sobs at the Fault In Our Stars reference she just did.

"Okay?" She giggled.

"Okay." I sighed out and let go of her since her dad was honking the car horn out in the drive way.

She walked over to Shawn and picked up her bags as he helped her as well. To my surprise Shawn hasn't cried once during this 'See You Later'. Out of all people you'd think he would be taking it the hardest. But no, it's me.

Once they have her bags taken out to the car I hear Shawn and Valerie saying goodbye. Not even minutes later I can hear Shawn in the driveway crying after Valerie and her dad pulled out of it. Knowing that one of my closest friends is outside in my drive causes my to break from Jake's grip and run out the door to see if he's alright.

I get outside to see him with his back up against my garage door, knees pulled up to his chest, and his head to his knees balling. I've never seen a guy cry like this over a girl. Maybe he truly does love her. 

"I can't believe she's going back." Shawn says inbetween sobs.

"We all knew she was going to have to." At this point I'm sitting on the ground next to him rubbing circles on his back trying to hint at him that everything will be okay.

"I know what I have to do." Shawn says finally getting his self calmed down.

"I'll have to move back in with my mom. That's the only way I'll be able to see her." Finally get has his self calmed. 

"You'll need to finish your senior year here." I can't help but have concern and sadness in my voice.

"I'm finishing school here than after graduation I'm moving back to be with her. I'm going to propose the day of graduation because I know she's going to be there. She doesn't know it yet but she will be. I've already arranged plans with her father."

"Are you sure that's what you want to do...?"

"I'm positive." 

And with said, Shawn gets up and walks down the street with his hands in his pocket and his head down. All I want is what's best for hm and Valerie...


Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I'm just going through a lot of issues right now. I hope you guys don't get mad at me. And sorry if this story is getting boring. I plan to be adding in some drama and possible heartbreaks within the next chapter or so. 

I thank you all so much for the amount of reads. You guys are amazing. Well until next time. Bye. <3


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