Chapter 37

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Today's the day that Shawn leaves for Nashville. I've been dreading this day since he told me about the trip. At least I've spent all day with him. But, he had to go home so he can get his bags and head to the air port. Good thing is, his parents are taking me with them to drop him off.

So I get off the couch in the living room and head upstairs into my room so that I can shower and get ready. Before getting in the shower I go to my closet and pick out a pair of booty shorts and a baby blue crop top from PacSun. Once picking out my clothes I head into the bathroom and take a 10 minute shower.

I get out and drap myself in a towel with my hair up in a towel. After getting dressed I decide that I'm going to scrunch it due to how curly it is. I apply light make up to my eyes. Once I'm done getting ready I hear my phone go off. 

From Shawn: Here(:

With that I grab my phone and head out the door. I say goodbye to my mom and tell her I'll be home once he boards his plane. I leave the house and head into Shawn's mom's car. The car ride to the airport was silent. But not an awkward silence, it's was comfortable. 

Surprisingly, the ride to the airport wasn't that long. Most likely due to the fact we beat rush hour traffic. Once at the airport, Shawn's mom parks the car and we all pile out of the car and help Shawn with his bags. 

We walk Shawn to as far as we can. Before I could even get a word out the tears have already hit me. Shawn turns around to notice me crying and without hesatation, he pulled me into a huge hug and kissed the top of my head.

"Flight 182 to Nashville now boarding" The lady on the loud speaker chimes in only to break my heart even more. 

"I'll call you when I land babe." Shawn says into my ear before kissing me and going to board his plane out.


It's been far too long without having Diana in my life. I know I'm only a teenager but I know for a damn fact that I'm in love with her. Today's the day Shawn leaves for Nashville. So, that means Diana will be at the airport with his parents dropping him off. I know this due to her snapchat story. It's always filled with pictures of them.

Shawn's flight left 45 minutes ago. So that means Diana will be home in 15 minutes. I need to take advantage of Shawn not being here to talk to her. With that thought, I run to the local flower shop and pick out 2 dozen white and pink roses. 

Once I have the roses, I have 5 minutes to get to Diana's. Some how I make it to her house 3 minutes before she pulled in. I see Shawn's moms car begin to pull into the drive way. I made it so she could see me by sitting on her doorstep. 

When the car pulls into the driveway I stand up still holding the roses for her. I'm guessing she didn't notice me yet due to the fact of how she got out of the car like no one was around. She began to walk up to me. 

She picked her head up to notice me holding the flowers. I can tell she was crying due to the fact her eyes were red and puffy. Seeing me didn't help the crying. With m y surprise, when she say be she ran up to my and latched onto me. Oh how much I've missed this.

"I miss you, Jake." Diana manages to say inbetween sobs. 

"You have no clue how much I've missed you. You're my one and only. My true love. Diana, I'm without a doubt in love with you." I say this once I was looking into her eyes. SHe now has tears running down her cheeks. 

I take my thumbs and wipe away her tears.

"I'm in love with you too." She replies once she gets her breathing under control. With that I pull her into a kiss. Oh how I've missed kissing her. 

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