Chapter 43

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So I've been on bed rest for the past 2 weeks. And must I tell you how much it sucks. Yeah, the first few days were fun. I got to be lazy. Staying in bed with Jake watching Netflix all day? Couldn't ask for a better way to spend my time. 

But after a few days, it got pretty boring. The only way I'm allowed to get out of bed is to use the bathroom and to shower. That's it. I really hate not being able to do things on my own. Having my parents and Lizzy do everything for me is kind of boring.

At first I loved it, now I'm done with it. But at least I only have to deal with this for a little over a month. Thank god that Jake talked to my parents and are letting him take me out for a few hours today when he gets home from school. 

"Ready babe?!" Jake yells from the bottom of the stairs. 

"I'm coming!" I wobble my way down the stairs due to how big my belly is. Let me tell you, I've never been so happy before in my life. Most teenage girls would be freaking out at this point of their pregnancy. 

Then there's me, I can't wait for Matthew to be here. Anyways, I finally make it down the stairs and walk out the door with Jake and I's hands interlocked together. 


Jake takes me to mall to go and get Starbacks. When we get there, he walks me in and we both head up to the line. Of course for it being Starbucks, it was crowed and had a long line. But I was willing to wait. 

After standing in line for about 5 minutes my feet started to hurt badly. Never knew how much my feet would hurt after not walking for so long. Finally, it was our turn to order our drinks. I get my usual Vanilla Bean Frap and Jake gets a Mocha Cookie Crumble. 

We head back to the car and begin to drive off.

"Where are we going now?" I ask Jake as we're pulling out of StarBucks.

"It's a surpise." Jake replies with a smirk on his face. Damn he looks hot when he does that.

Anyways, we sit in the car for about 15 minutes until Jake pulls up to a park. I should've known Jake would do this. Mainly with my due date coming up closely. Jake pulls into one of the only empty parking spaces and we both get out of the car. 

The two of us head over to an open bench and sit down. Like always, Jake puts his arm around me. He leans over and kisses my right cheek. 

"Just think, in only a short amount of time, our little one will he here." Jake says into my ear which sends chills down my spine. 

"I know." I turn so that I'm facing Jake. I lean in and give him a peck. 

After spending about 20 minutes at the park talking about Matthew, we decide to head home for the rest of the day. 


Hey guys, sorry that I pretty much just disapeared for awhile. I've had a lot of personal issues going on that I needed to take care of. But hopefully I'll be back to posting. Sadly, this story only has a couple more chapters. 

Good news is that I'll be starting the sequal to this story shortly after this's over. If you guys want to follow me on any of my social media 

Twitter: Valerie_Koogle

Instagram: Valerie_Koogle

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