Old Ties

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Caroline's POV

      I couldn't believe I was back here after all these years. I stood in the park next to a tree staring over at the aged picnic table. I hadn't been in this town since the night the werewolf attacked and killed my grandmother. I had left with Bobby and lived with him from then on. We kept to ourselves most of the time. Every once in a while we would help out some of the hunters that were passing through the area that needed help with a case or needed a place to stay. I would often go out on my own nowadays. Bobby didn't mind much as long as I checked in with him every so often, which I did make sure to do. He knew that I could take care of myself, but still worried about me. I didn't blame him for worrying though, I mean we were each other's only source of something close to what you would consider family.

  I walked over to the picnic table and ran my hand over my initials remembering that day. A cool breeze blew past me blowing my blonde hair into my face. I pushed it away and and pulled my black leather jacket closer to my body wrapping my arms around myself. I then made my way back to my black mustang that Bobby had gotten for me when I turned 19. I loved the car very much, it was like a second home for me. On days when I was too tired to drive to the nearest motel or inn I would just park along the road and hop in the backseat and sleep for a few hours and then get back on the road.

   I opened the driver side door and got into the car closing it behind me. I pulled out my laptop that was hidden under the passenger seat and pulled up the article I had been reading. The headline read, "2 Teenagers Are Killed By Wild Animal This Week, What Beast Is To Blame?" The first death was a 16 year old girl, named Anna Folk, who had been found on a forest trail not far from the park with her heart ripped out and scratch marks covering her arms and legs. The next victim was a 17 year old girl, named Lisa Twiddle, who was found on the same forest trail a little further into the woods. Again her heart was ripped out and claw marks covered her body. I decide to drive to the police station to see the police and find out what they have to say about these killings. I change into a grey suit jacket and a black pencil skirt with black heels that gave me a little more height. I grab my fake FBI I.D. and then drove to the police station.

    I get out of my car and walk up to the door of the station. I take a deep breath before entering the station, praying that nobody would recognize me. Living in a small town isn't always good when you deal in this line of work. I walk in and sigh in relief when I don't recognize anyone. I walk up to the desk where a man with black hair and a thin mustache sat in uniform typing on a keyboard and staring at the computer. He didn't seem to take any notice to me so I cleared my throat. He still didn't take  any notice to me. This happened more often then I would like. Because I was only 22 most people had a hard time of taking me serious, it also didn't help that I was short and looked young for my age.

    "Excuse me, I would like to see the files on the animal attacks that have recently taken place this week." I said in a stern but respectful tone. The guy sighs to himself and continues typing in the computer.

   "And I want a million dollars, but we don't  always get what we want, do we? Now how about you go back to school before I call your parents." He says as he looks at me with an eyebrow raised during the last part.

    I pulled out my I.D. and showed it to him. "Agent Smith." He frowned when he saw the badge. I place my badge back in my jacket pocket and continue to talk to the man. "Now as I was saying, I would like to see the animal attacks' case files or do I need to call my boss and tell them how disrespectful this police station has been to me. I would also like to see the bodies of the victims." The man stood from his desk and pulled out two files.

   "Umm, we keep the bodies at the morgue so you'll have to go there to do your investigation on them." I took the files from him and thanked him. I then walked out of the station and made my way to the car. I sat in my car and opened the first file. A picture of a young girl with soft brown eyes, wavy light brown hair, light skin, and a bright smile was the first thing I saw. My heart was tugged by the strings when I thought of what Anna must of went through. The cause of death was put down as an animal attack, but I already knew that no animal was to blame for this. In the next file there was a picture of a girl with straight long black hair, bright ocean blue eyes, light skin, and a beautiful small smile. The cause of death was the same as Anna's, an animal attack. I wrote down the names of both of their parents.

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