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Caroline' POV

    As I awoke as the car stopped.  I slightly opened my eyes and saw it was still dark out, so I just closed my eyes and slowly drifted back to sleep. Before I was fully asleep again, I feel arms wrap themselves around me. I want to open my eyes to see who it is, but their embrace gives me comfort, so I cuddle my head into their chest. The person carrying me starts to walk and I hear the creaking of a door opening. I am then gently laid down onto a bed. I thrown as the feeling of the person's arms leaves me. Covers are draped over me, and I can't help but pull them closer to me.

   "We could just get another room and let her have this one to herself." I heard a voice say. It sounded like Sam.

"No, now that she's with us she just made the list of everyone that wants us dead's kill list. We're safer together." A deeper voice says, which I can only guess is Dean.

  "Okay, then who sleeps where?"

  "One of us takes the other bed the other gets the floor."

"Rock, paper, scissors?" I heard Sam ask. There was a pause of silence before I heard the slap of fist against hands. I heard Dean scoff, which I assume meant he was the loser.

   "Best 2 out of 3." He quickly said. There was more slapping followed by Dean groaning again. I heard Sam chuckle as they started to move around the room.

(Italicized lettering is either a flashback or a dream/vision.)

   I was in my grandmother's house walking up the stairs. A trail of blood lead to the bathroom. I heard the growling sounds coming from the bathroom. I knew what was waiting for me on the other side of the door, but I couldn't stop my body from opening the door. My hand pushed on the door slowly letting it open.

   I gasped at sight in front of me. My grandmother laid on the floor covered in her own blood as the werewolf stood over her tearing her body to shreds. He turned toward me and growled at me. His glowing yellow eyes sent chills to my core as I screamed out in fear. He ran after me as I ran down the stairs as quick as I could. I went to grab the knife, but he tackled me to the ground before I could reach it. He pushed me to the ground digging his large claws into my soft skin. I cried out in pain as his yellow eyes stared at me with no emotion present, except for one. Hunger. In a flash he lunged at my neck biting into my flesh. I screamed out in pain as I felt the life slowly start to leave my body.

   I felt someone touching my shoulders and shaking me. I sat up quickly and tried to pull away from whoever this person was. I felt tears streaming down my face and I was screaming at my attacker. I slap at their muscular arms as they tried to hold me in place.

    "Car. Car, calm down. Car, look at me." I heard him say, but I was too scared to look at him and kept smacking at him. He finally grabbed my wrist and pushed me down onto my back. He held my wrists tight, but not tight enough to hurt me. "Car, it's me." I slowly opened my eyes to see who was on top of me. When they were fully opened, I saw Dean leaning over me with a concerned look on his face. He was wearing a black short sleeved shirt that outlined his biceps well and jeans still. I realized that I had suffered a nightmare. A nightmare I hadn't had in a long time. One that I thought I had finally gotten over, but apparently it just wanted me to think that. At the thought, I started to cry remembering everything about that day.

    I felt Dean pull me into his hard chest and rap his arms around me. I could tell he was unsure at first, but soon his grip tightened around me. "Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. It's okay. It was just a nightmare. Nothing's going to hurt you. You're safe." I grabbed onto his shirt and cried into his chest. He sat there rocking me back and forth as he gently talked to me trying to calm me down. I finally was able to calm down enough to where I wasn't crying anymore and started to breathe normally again.

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