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Caroline POV
Pilot Episode Part 1

     I sat in my mustang on my laptop searching for a new case. It has been a couple weeks since me and Dean took down that werewolf. I took a couple weeks to go see Bobby and let my injuries heal. When I walked in, and he saw all the injuries, Bobby went into protective mode. He sat me down and made sure that they had been cleaned properly. After he checked everything out he asked me who had helped me. I didn't understand how he knew I didn't do this myself.

   "When you bandage yourself up you do a more sloppy job. This looks clean and precise." I rolled my eyes at his comment, but he kept pushing. "Who helped you, Caroline." I sighed.

   "Another hunter."

     "Well yeah, what's the name you idjit."

"Dean Winchester." Bobby looked at me in surprise.

    "I haven't heard from him in years."

"You know him?"

   "I pretty much helped raise him and his brother Sam."

   We ended the conversation with that. After Bobby finally thought I was ready to go back to hunting I left and started searching for something. I finally found a case in Jericho, California. A man had gone missing on Breckenridge Road. It was the tenth one in the last twenty years. I started the car and started driving down the road.

    When I got there, there had been another man who had gone missing. I had snuck over to the crime scene while cops were talking to two FBI agents. As I looked at the car I realized that it was very clean. There wasn't any signs of a struggle or that anything had happened in the car. It was little weird if you asked me. I over heard one of the cops talking about how her daughter was putting up missing signs for the man. Her name was Amy. I decided I would go into town and try and find her. Just as I was sneaking away I heard a familiar voice talking to the cops.

    I turned and saw Dean with a taller man standing next to him with long brown shaggy hair. He looked to be slightly younger then Dean and looked familiar. It was Sam. My eyes widened at how much he had grown since I had last seen him. When we were young he wasn't that much taller then me, but now he has to be a good foot and a few inches taller then me. When I saw them starting get ready to leave, I turned around and continued walking to my car parked a little bit away from the crime scene. Once I made it safely back to my car I started to drive towards town. When I got to town I walked around seeing if I could find Amy. There were plenty of signs posted, but no one with signs hanging them up. I then noticed that she was sitting in a diner with Sam, Dean, and some other girl. I walked into the diner and took a seat in the booth behind the group. I stared down at the menu in front of me trying to not seem like I had purposely sat down to hear their conversation.

   I listened closely to what they were saying. "With all these guys going missing people talk." One of the girls said.

    "What do they talk about?" Sam and Dean asked.

       The girl began talking again. "It's kind of this local legend. One girl, she got murder out on Brekenridge like decades ago. Well supposedly she's still out there. She hitchhikes and whoever picks her up....well, they disappear forever." After that there was a pause before Sam and Dean thanked them and then left the quiet diner. I soon followed them out of the diner and to a library.

     As I sit and watch them I see Sam and Dean get in a fight over the computer they are using. I almost chuckle at how childish it seemed, but held it back so they wouldn't know I was there. Sam takes control of the computer and Dean calls him a control freak, which causes me to chuckle. I quickly turn away from them, covering my face, as they look behind them trying to say where the chuckle came from. They look at each other before shrugging their shoulders and focusing back on the computer. As I sit at the computer in front of me I look up an article about Constance Welch. She had to be the hitchhiker ghost the people in town had been talking about. She had left her kids in the bathtub for a minute and when she got back they had drowned. She couldn't take the pain and jumped off the bridge. The bridge she jumped off was the same bridge that Troy had gone missing on.

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