Chapter 9

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Kosrae was thinking similar thoughts as he swam towards the palace. The words I promised to try kept ringing in his ears. He hesitated by the door to the throne room, but only for a moment. He took a deep breath of water and went in. He was met by a familiar sight. The giant-sized room was richly decorated, and at the far end his father was seated on a huge throne made to resemble a giant clam. The throne was almost covered in pearls and jewels. His father looked up at Kosrae when he opened the door. "Ah, Kosrae, what do you need?" He called as Kosrae swam up.

He stopped at the throne and said to the king, "Father, I have a request. It's a rather large one. I ask on behalf of someone else."

"Well, what is it? And on whose behalf are you asking?"

Kosrae twitched his tail and backed up a bit. "Well, it's kind of a long story, actually." He said nervously. He looked around at the few other merfolk in the room. "Could we talk alone, father?"

The king nodded and dismissed everyone else. After they had left, he turned back to his son. "Now, what is it?"

"Well, I've, um, met someone. A girl, And, well, I-- she was wondering if--" but he was cut off by the king's joyous cry. "You wish to marry her?"

Kosrae nodded. "But she's--"

The king interrupted, not listening. "So my son has finally chosen a bride! When will the wedding be, son?"

Kosrae sighed. "She hasn't exactly agreed to a certain date." He said quietly.

"Oh. Well, I'm sure you both can work it out. Make it soon. By the way, who is she? Is it Alivina?"

Kosrae nearly shuddered in spite of himself. "No. Her name is Etrela."

"Etrela, is it? I don't believe I know her. Is she from around here?"

"No. She isn't." Kosrae took a deep breath and continued. "In fact, she isn't even from any ocean." At the king's surprised and confused look, he hurried on. "Father, Etrela is a human."

The king's expression registered surprise and confusion, but mostly anger. "What? You want to marry a human? Have you lost your mind? Such a thing has never been done! And what have you told her? Humans are hunters of our people! What does she know about us?"

Kosrae was mentally trembling. His father rarely got angry, but when he did, he didn't allow one to forget it easily. Kosrae barely managed to answer the question. "I haven't told her anything that would put any of us in danger. She knows there are others besides me, and that I'm the prince."

The red-faced king clenched the Trident so tightly Kosrae thought it might snap under the pressure. "Kosrae, have you lost your mind?" He growled. "She could have captured you and put you on display!"

"But, father, just..." Kosrae began.

The king stood up. "She could have killed you!"

"Yes, but she..." Kosrae interrupted.

"And you just let her know that there are others?"

"Yes, but I didn't..."

"...And that you are the prince? Have you lost your mind, Kosrae?"

"Father, just listen to me!" Kosrae nearly shouted.

The king shut his mouth and settled back in his throne, but his eyes still were angry. "You may speak, but make it quick."

Kosrae continued. "Father, she saw me, yes. She could have captured me, yes. But she didn't. She is a good person! She promised never to tell anyone about me. She doesn't even know anyone to tell."

The king's anger receded ever so slightly. "But how can you marry her? She is a human!"

Kosrae nodded. "Yes, I know. She has asked me to ask you to turn her into a mermaid."

The king sat dumbfounded at such a request. "I suppose the Trident has the ability to... but do you really trust her enough to risk this?"

Kosrae said solemnly, "I trust her with my life. I...I love her, father."

The king just couldn't say no to his son yet. Not until he learned more about the human. "Have you ever considered that she might be after the Trident? What if she just tries to take it from me?"

"You don't have to go that close to shore if you don't want to. Just please hear me out. She is a very pleasant girl. I know her well enough to see that she wouldn't break her promise."

"How many times have you been to see her?"

"I'm not sure exactly, but many times."

The king sighed. "And you never told me?"

"I just did. I can't tell you any sooner than now."

"That's true..." He mumbled. "All right then." He said aloud. "I will meet her, and if she really is as you claim, I will turn her into a mermaid."

Kosrae grinned at his father. "Thank you. You won't regret it!"

I'm not so sure I won't, the king thought darkly.

The Sea Prince's LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora