Chapter 2

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Third POV

Screams of terror echoed around the town of Opal, making it known that the beast was back.

"RUN!!" The mayor exclaimed as he created a barrier around the large beast.

Upon seeing itself caught, the seaweed colored wolf-like beast stood up on its hind legs and clawed at the barrier causing it to crack, making the mayor solidify the barrier more. The mayor knew that he wasn't powerful enough to keep it up, but he was going to keep trying his best to give the residents of the town as much time as possible to run away.

"Sir! You must also run!!" A young mage exclaimed, as she used gravity to hold the beast down.

"I will not leave! There are still people in the town!" The mayor exclaimed.

"Sir, I understand, but you need to leave! You're not going to  last much longer!" The mage exclaimed increasing the power of her spell, once she noticed the beast struggling even more.

The mayor clenched his jaw, knowing he was exerting himself in vain, before nodding and removing his barrier.

As soon as the mage was certain that no one was around, she pulled out a key.

"Open gate of the Snake Charmer: Ophiuchus!" Yukino exclaimed.

A weak glow surrounded Yukino's hand, as the spirit was summoned.

"Ophiuchus, take the beast down, please." Yukino exclaimed.

"Master I cannot help you at the moment." Ophiuchus said causing Yukino to falter.

"W-What?" Yukino asked.

"The King is planning something big, and needs all the spirits in the celestial spirit realm. From what he told us it will take a couple of months, but worry not the spells and star dresses will still be available." Ophiuchus said, as his gate began to close.

Yukino nodded.

"Take care." Yukino said.

Yukino took a deep breathe and looked around to see if she could find anything to help her fight off the beast. From afar she was able to see a pond, Yukino sighed in relief as she transformed into her Pisces star dress, dropping her libra star dress.

'Luckily I still have access to this.' Yukino thought, seeing the beast begin to run at her once the gravity field around it disappeared.

The dress was a light blue color reaching her mid-thighs with a white right side skirt that reached her mid-calves. The dress had a faint scaled design with a midnight purple ribbon, that wrapped twice around her waist, tied into a bow. On her head was a forehead band that held a pair of midnight purple with white stripped fins on the sides of her head. The back was open exposing faint midnight purple and white scales while the front of the dress was closed and hugged her neck.

 The back was open exposing faint midnight purple and white scales while the front of the dress was closed and hugged her neck

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