Chapter 5

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Third POV

"Who are you?" Bickslow asked still leaning on Lucy for support.

"Who are you? Who are you?" His babies repeated.

The lady smiled kindly.

"We can continue the conversation at home, all of you need to be treated." The lady said as she began to walk, leaving the group with no time to ask for more questions.

Jellal scratched his head internally cursing their luck.

"Might as well follow her." Jellal said earning questioning looks from around him.

"The town is destroyed, not to mention all the townspeople were evacuated so we can't really stay here. If that weren't enough this place will be contaminated for a couple days. On top of that Bickslow is hurt and Eve isn't responding, what other option do we have?" Jellal questioned.

The group sighed and agreed to the idea.

"Gajeel you walk in front and carry Eve, I'll walk behind you guys, and  Bickslow, girls you guys are in the center." Jellal said.

The group got in formation and immediately followed after the lady.

As he walked Bickslow began to have problems keeping up.

"You good big guy?" Lucy asked, coming to a stop since Bickslow was having trouble keeping up.

"I-I'm fine, just need a couple seconds to get my act together." Bickslow responded even though he felt his consciousness starting to slip.

"I'm fine! I'm fine!" His babies repeated.

Lucy sighed.

"I'll help!" Yukino stated as she supported Bickslow from the other side, she'd like to use her powers, but she knew she'd be pushing herself to far.

Bickslow chuckled a little, before darkness completely took over him.

"Bickslow!" Lucy exclaimed as she and Yukino held Bickslow up.

"Hey! Hey?!" Jellal exclaimed, rushing to help the two girls.

"Bickslow-san!" Wendy and Juvia exclaimed, as they rushed back to the group, Gajeel right behind them.

"Bickslow, hey wake up." Lucy said her voice trembling a little, her panic setting in as she noticed that Bickslow's babies where starting to descend, something that should never happen.

"Bickslow!" Jellal exclaimed arm stretching out, causing a long forgotten memory to resurface.

Mini Flashback

"Don't you dare touch them!!!" My younger sister exclaimed, making our father laugh.

"If you don't want me to, stop me yourself brat." He spat making us all tremble, mom had already tried to stop him, but he had stabbed her, and dragged her out.

'Stop Lucy. Please! He'll hurt you as well!' I thought, blocking my younger siblings as much as I could with my body, just like mother had done a couple minutes ago before she had tried to attack him, hoping to give us some time to run.

"Lal-nii! Wendy isn't waking up!" I heard the twins cry out in fear, making me grit my teeth

"Shut up!" Father screamed before a whipping sound was heard.

"Jellal-nii !" I heard my brother scream as he pushed me off and received the hit himself.

"Bickslow!!" I screamed, stretching my arm out trying to catch my younger brother.

I was able to stop him from hitting the ground, yet I couldn't do anything else to protect them since I slowly began to pass out, the drug father used on us starting to take effect.

The last thing I heard behind me was a cry of rage followed by the screams of the man that did this to us.

'Please someone. Anyone. Please help.'

That was the last thing I thought before darken was took over.

End of flashback

Jellal gasped and clutched his head as the pain intensified, tears slowly pooling in his eyes.

"Bickslow!" Jellal screamed, feeling an unexplainable amount of fear take over his being.

"Why? What happened?!" Jellal screamed unable to listen to anyone at the moment, more preoccupied with trying to get Bickslow to wake up.

"Let me take a look!" The lady exclaimed trying to get to the pale mage but was surprised when Jellal used wind magic to push her back, while he huddled the group behind him.

"Don't get any closer!!!" Jellal barked, currently trapped in the dark room of his memories, the only thing running through his mind was to keep them safe.

"J-Jellal-san?" Wendy questioned, startled by her reserved friend's sudden change of attitude.

"Please let me take a look at him. We won't be able to help your friend if you don't let me take a look at what is wrong with him." The lady pleaded, noticing that Jellal was not attacking her, but someone of his past.

"I said no!" Jellal growled, his magic fluctuating due to the sudden flood of anger at his own incompetence, the fear of failing to protect his family once again, and contempt directed at the individual in his memories.

"Jellal-sama please let her take a look. Wendy-san is currently exhausted and low on magic power, so she won't be able to heal Bickslow-sama herself. We-we won't be able to help him if we don't know what's wrong with him." Yukino stated trying her best to convince Jellal it'd be best to let the stranger take a look at their fallen comrade.

Jellal froze before giving a stiff nod.

"One wrong move and you're done." Jellal warned, his brown eyes turning an eerie green.

The lady immediately nodded and inspected Bickslow. After a short while she noticed that his body had gone into shock not only because of the fight but some other factor as well. What worried her was that if he wasn't treated as quickly and carefully as possible he would most likely fall into a magic coma: one that would definitely take months or maybe a couple of years to get out of.

"We need to get to my house now! Your friend needs to be treated immediately!" The lady exclaimed as she clasped her hands together causing them to float a little before a portal was opened beneath them.

After gently setting them all down the lady leveraged both Bickslow and Eve off the ground gently and put them in the bed carefully.

"Now all of you wait outside, I need to stabilize your friend's magic." The lady instructed leading the group to the door.

Yet the surge of magic coming from Jellal caused the lady to tense.

"You need to be treated as well. You're moments away from collapsing." The lady said receiving plenty of alarmed looks from those around her.

"You'll be able to help them right?" Wendy asked her eyes once more filling up with tears.

"They'll be fine in a couple hours, they just need to balance their magic levels." They lady said in a soothing voice, allowing the group to calm down enough to begin walking out of the room and wait outside.

After the group walked out Jellal's head began to pulse causing him to groan in discomfort. The Lady noticed and immediately tried to help him only to be threatened .

"Don't touch me." Jellal weakly growled, but was taken aback when he himself collapsed into the lady's waiting arms.

"Shh, it's alright sweetie. Nothing will hurt you now. You're okay. I won't let anyone touch you or your siblings again." The lady soothed gently patting Jellal's back, causing him to cling to her, and before he knew it he was fast asleep.

The lady sighed her eyes welling up with tears.

'You're still a little baby, my little baby.'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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