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It is another usual day at Synla International Airport. Bustling with businessmen and tourists streaming to and fro from the departure and arrival halls. From high class teleportation getting the rich and powerful to places in seconds, to the less convenient route of flight for the rest, Synla is one of the few countries that allow Casters and Voids to travel with ease.

Amidst the movement of people, a familiar figure stands beside a pillar, accompanied by a tall man with thick glasses, wearing a thick brown leather coat and khaki trousers. The boy now wore green tee paired with long skinny denim jeans, along with a thick blue hoodie to keep him warm. White earpieces dangles around his neck as he reads the newspaper in one hand, with a canned drink in the other.

Cordial does not usually read the news, yet an article on the front page caught his attention. The headline read of a major fire that broke out the previous day, with the face shots of 2 people that are wanted by authorities. So they really are wanted criminals huh.

After forcing Marco to back off yesterday, Cordial could not remember anything else that happened afterwards. He had woke up on a sofa with a cloth on his head, coming face to face with his slightly concerned father, who proceeded to scold him for being so reckless. Cordial had explained what happened, the break-in, the danger Yumi was in, and the threat of death. On the topic of Yumi, Cordial began to panic, but his father assured him that she was fine, showing him to the bedroom where there she was, sleeping soundly. His father had received a call from a stranger at work warning him, causing him to rush over. Except when he arrived, the apartment was already on fire. He then saw Cordial walking out of the block carrying Yumi on his backbefore collapsing. He had to carry the both of them to a friend's house nearby, where they stayed temporarily.

Yet instead of taking the time to recover by resting, here he is at the Airport. Cordial takes a sip of his juice before continuing to scan the crowd.

"Dad, you sure you will be able to recognise the contact Mom was talking about?" he asks the adult.

"Of course Cordial, you can trust me on that. Besides, I believe your mother knows how to handle matters like this." He replied.

Cordial sighs before giving up his search. "Mind telling me why I'm the chosen one leaving, while Yumi is staying?"

"Well for one, your sister is only 9 years old. Sending her to somewhere new will be very intimidating and more stressful for her to adapt to. Secondly," his father chuckles and begins ruffling the boy's hair, "you're a big boy now. It's about time you learn to be independent!"

"Stop it Dad, I combed today!" Cordial flails frantically in a bid to stop his father from ruining his hair any further.

The man grins, "Take this as a chance to see the world, maybe you can learn something new in the process."

"Alright alright, I got it. Geez," Cordial says, as he proceeds to salvage the mess. Deep down inside, he knows this is not the real reason he is leaving. He can only conclude that it was because of yesterday's events, that his departure is meant to protect Yumi, separating her from his curse. Otherwise, why had Mom told me to throw away my identity and leave Yumi without telling her goodbye?

He did not know much about his mother. She rarely calls, does not even turn up on their birthdays, and had not visited them for more than 3 years. The only thing he remembers is her voice, her sternness, nothing else. After having soup as dinner, his phone rang with an unknown number on it. It was his mother. In that brief moment of hearing her voice again, she broke the news to him: it was time for him to leave the country. No signs of concern, nothing. Just instructions of things he needed to do, and a contact he will have to meet the next day.

Cordial sighs, sipping the last bit of his canned juice. "Dad, how did Mom know about what happened yesterday?"

"Beats me son, I was surprised that she called you first instead of me."

"Will Yumi be fine here?"

"That's your main concern now?"


"Hahaha, she will be fine. Ms Nebila is another acquaintance of mine, she will take good care of Yumi."

"You know that's not what I'm mean."

His father puts his hand on the boy's shoulder, "It will be hard for her to accept that you are gone, but when the time comes, both of you will understand why we have to do this."

"It's because of my curse, isn't it."


Even with the noise of the airport surrounding them, Cordial can still detect his father's hesitation. I guess that really is the reason then. He forgotten how he even became cursed, only remembering he had to keep it in, the fact that he, a Void, can actually use magic. For the sake of Yumi, he had to seal it away in his heart, going through life as how one without magic should. The gruelling effort and treatment in school for 6 years so he could get into a good school, the hopes of being able to develop his gifted eyes and join his father's research team, the wish of wanting to stay by his sister's side and watch over her. That dream has been shattered, all thanks to his curse.

"It's only a curse if you think of it that way." His father adjusts his glasses before continuing, "To me, it's a gift, a blessing. The fact you managed to protect your sister with it, this tells me a lot about your heart, your desires. So don't take it out on yourself." He looks towards the crowd, a grin appearing on his face. " Well well, he's finally here."

A man approaches them, dressed in a suit with an odd choice of an inner blue flowery shirt. He had a cane hanging by his right arm, with a black sling across his back. Upon noticing the boy's father, he walks over and embraces him. "Ellius! It's been a while!"

The two converse for a while, with a short exchange of hugs and laughs, before they turn to Cordial. "Cordial, meet Hayama."

The man bows, "Pleased to meet you, I have heard a lot about you."

Cordial returns with a slight bow. "I'm Cordial. Pleased to meet you too uncle."

"Oh no need for formalities, you can just address me by my name, Hayama." He takes off the sling he had been carrying and passes the black bag to Cordial. "I'm supposed to brief you on what is going on first, but I guess not having met with your father for so long has made me forget my priorities." He scratches his head in slight embarrassment. "We don't have much time, I guess we will talk along the way." Looking back at Ellius, he asks, "Any last words for him before we go?"

Ellius tightly hugs his son in a firm embrace. "Be strong, my son. Use your gifts well, and don't forget the 3 rules that we have. When the time comes, Yumi and I will join you alright?"

Cordial can feel the tears starting to flow from his eyes, but he barely suppresses them. "Mm, take care of Yumi okay?"

"I will, you don't have to worry."

"I love you Dad."

"I do too, now go, my son. We will see each other soon, alright?"


"I promise. Farewell my child."

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