Going places

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The girl hurried down the corridor, with her personal device the size of a clipboard in one hand. Upon reaching the common corridor, she begins the struggle of pushing against the crowd heading towards the meeting hall. While shielding her device under her purple jacket, she uses her free hand to pave a small path for her, finally getting to the intersection she intended and breaking off from the main crowd, alas getting a clearing of fresh air. She heads towards the lift landing and along the way, someone calls out. "Remi!"

She turns in response to her name, finding a girl with long blond hair with recognisable green eyes. "Oh, hi Shino, what's up?"

"The meeting is the other way you know. Where are you going?"

"I got an urgent call from the General to meet her privately, so I'm heading over to her office right now."

"The General again? Right now? But that means you will be missing out on balloting your role allocation for this year you know!"

"I guess that's the case."

"Whaaaa, just when I thought I can try to be on the same group with you for this year."

"Sorry Shino, that has to wait for another time."

"It's not your fault. And why did the General have to call you now anyway." she pouted.

"It sounds really urgent and important. You know how dedicated the General is when she works, and how she demands things to be done quickly. Speaking of that," she checks the time on her device. "I've to go now. She's expecting this report today too, I will tell you more later alright? Good luck for your bidding!" Before Shino can respond, the girl has already dashed off in her intended direction.

She arrives at a heavily polished door, the name "Levi" carved onto an elaborate oakpiece hangs nicely. On this floor, this is the only room present, with the office belonging to the most important person in this area, General Levi herself.

From what Remi knows, General Levi is a very powerful Mythic capable of Water manipulation. She is the third highest ranking officer of the Arcana Defence Force of the Neyto region and the second oldest person who has seen the Arcana War herself.

Remi takes a deep breath, combing out her silky black hair and adjusting her office attire once more before knocking.

"Come in." A firm voice responded.

Remi enters.

Behind the large executive office table sits the General, dressed in her navy blue uniform. One who has aged rather gracefully, she had somehow managed to preserve her beauty, where even her scars from war seem to exemplify her aura of authority and wisdom. Around the room, are walls coated in similar colour to her uniform, with a particular one behind her seat covered in posters of wanted criminals, sea charts, pictures of some destroyed ships and red threads all over in the form of some network.

She had visited this room multiple times in the past, so she knew of the presence of multiple compartments hidden in the room itself. There was once when she had seen a projector, to surveillance screens, and even a sofa bed, all of which that the General could summon at will.

"Ah Remi, help yourself with the coffee, this will take a while." she gestures towards the coffee machine on another table nearby while she scrolls through a few pages on the floating screens.

"It's a pleasure General." 

The coffee machine was a gift from the Administration Department for the General's birthday, something that they realised had been left out in the design of the room. Remi had been involved in teaching the General how to use it, hence whenever she came by, the General did not mind letting her to use the machine if she needed it.

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